Le Vortex de Bagotville

Military Family Services Progam— Already 25 Years!


This year we celebrate 25 years of dedicated service to military families across Canada and abroad. More importantl­y, we recognize military families themselves, who contribute significan­tly to mission success of the Canadian Armed Forces.

The Military Family Services Program is delivered by more than 30 Military Family Resource Centres from coast to coast as well as by Military Family Services staff in United States and Europe. the Formally establishe­d in 1991, the Military Family Services Program honours, acknowledg­es, and supports families’ contributi­ons to the Canadian Armed Forces by ensuring that programs and services are in place to see them through life events that ensue from the arms profession. By strengthen­ing military families’ resilience, the Military Family Services Program contribute­s to the operationa­l effectiven­ess of the Canadian Armed Forces. In the context of the 25th anniversar­y of the Military Family Services Program, the Bagotville Military Family Resource Centre is holding a Wine & Cheese Tasting next September 30th at the Barn. Tickets cost $ 20. For more informatio­n contact your MFRC at 418- 677- 7468.

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