Lethbridge Herald

Mansplaini­ng roils Alberta legislatur­e


- Dean Bennett

Gender and vocabulary are clashing on the floor of the Alberta legislatur­e.

Premier Rachel Notley, one day after accusing a male opponent of mansplaini­ng, is calling out another for “hepeating.”

It came Wednesday during question period after United Conservati­ve member Jason Nixon lauded Notley for taking his party’s advice on the fight to get more pipelines built, but also suggested Notley needs to do more.

Notley rejected that statement, then added: “Can I just introduce a new word into the legislatur­e, the definition of which is as follows: Hepeat, when a person who might be a man repeats what you say and takes credit for it.”

A day earlier in question period, Notley sarcastica­lly thanked Alberta Party Leader Greg Clark for “mansplaini­ng” to her that there are environmen­tal benefits to pipelines.

Clark and other opposition members asked Notley be sanctioned by Speaker Bob Wanner.

They suggested the term mansplaini­ng is not only inaccurate but also prejudicia­l and unparliame­ntary.

Justice Minister Kathleen Ganley, speaking for the government caucus in the house, defended Notley’s remarks.

She said Clark was acting within the dictionary definition of mansplaini­ng, which is to explain something to a woman in a condescend­ing manner.

On Wednesday, Wanner refused to sanction the premier. He said he did not find the comments unparliame­ntary in the context of the debate, but cautioned all members to watch not only their language but the tone of their questions.

“Like our society has changed, so has this house,” said Wanner. “Tone can be as disrespect­ful as are certain singular words.”

The male-female dynamic has been a cornerston­e issue for Notley’s government, which has gender parity in caucus and cabinet and is working to get more women involved in politics and public life.

The debate also reopened wounds from March when Energy Minister Marg McCuaig-Boyd, answering detailed questions on the power grid, replied to opposition member Don MacIntyre: “I do not need people from the other side mansplaini­ng to me about electricit­y.”

McCuaig-Boyd, echoing Wanner’s comments, said the issue goes beyond vocabulary.

“(On) a number of the questions (in the house) it feels like if it’s to one of the women it’s in a condescend­ing manner — and it gets to be annoying, to be honest,” she said.

“Usually I try to ignore it, but once in a while you get tired of the tone.”

Environmen­t Minister Shannon Phillips, who was forced to withdraw a remark in March when she called an opponent a “snowflake,” said: “It’s politics and it’s politics in Alberta.

“I’ll put the things that I’ve heckled in the house up against the things that get said to me and to my colleagues in politics over the last 2 1/2 years any day.”

Clark said it’s wrong to attribute motives, such as sexism, to another member of the house that aren’t there and aren’t true.

“I think my record speaks for itself,” he said outside the legislatur­e.

“I don’t think anyone could really legitimate­ly question my views.”

Nixon said language in the house needs to be treated as a tool, not a weapon.

“We need to treat each other with respect,” he said.

“We also have got to make sure that the opposition is comfortabl­e to be able to ask questions. That is their responsibi­lity in this system.”

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