Lethbridge Herald

Maple leaf flag design, adopting metric system were Liberal creations


Did you ever notice that when you call out a Lib or a Dipper they resort to outright lies and personal attacks when they don’t have reason on their side?

In 1965, when the “Pearson Pennant” arrived, I was in the Canadian Army stationed in West Germany. The flag that I served under was the Canadian Red Ensign.

The Red Ensign was the official flag of Canada from 1868 until 1965. It had a red, white and blue “Union Jack” on the top left and the red, gold, blue, white and green Canadian Coat of Arms on the bottom right, all on a red background. The new red and white flag with the dead eastern vegetation on it was strictly a Liberal invention.

Reading over my last letter, I couldn’t seem to find that I had written the words “Russian Commie plot” anywhere. Pierre Trudeau claimed that spending billions to change to the metric system was all to facilitate foreign trade. Even in 1977 our foreign trade was 83 per cent with the U.S., who, even to this day, have refused to adopt a system developed in France. The only thing we could possibly learn from France is how to surrender immediatel­y when attacked in two world wars and then sit back until the English allies liberated their country (twice).

In spite of Trudeau’s love of Russia we still go to Home Depot and buy two-by-fours and four-by-eight sheets of drywall. Wasn’t that money well spent? However, in 1977, I remember going to Canadian Tire and seeing quarts and litres of oil sitting side by side on the shelf and selling for exactly the same price even even though you got 20 per cent less oil in the litre. Imagine that!

Next letter I’ll try to explain Lib/Dipper “tax reform”!

Mike Davio

Fort Macleod

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