Lethbridge Herald

Local musicians have been victims of theft


Last week a letter writer wrote about the terrible experience they had with their truck and trailer being stolen. Local theft is not just limited to vehicles and shopliftin­g; local musicians have been victims as well.

Scott Mezei, a well-respected multi-talented fellow, had his entire vehicle looted with thousands of dollars of instrument­s and equipment taken on a Saturday night after a gig at the Lethbridge Casino.

And last month I had a $1,200 guitar taken right out of Southminst­er United Church. (It wasn’t the fault of the church, someone snuck in past the reception, went straight to the stage, grabbed the guitar, and went out the side door, probably in about 30 seconds.) It spoiled the Friday night concert for me: our band helped to raise $11,000 for the Canyon Church Camp that was partly destroyed in the forest fires, but I had to file a police report one hour before going on stage.

But I got my guitar back, undamaged, but missing the handmade guitar strap that had my name on it. The next morning I checked the dumpsters, checked surroundin­g retail stores for witnesses and then went to the pawn shops. King of Trade recognized the guitar instantly, and the next day the Lethbridge Police Service brought it back to me. King of Trade had a witness and security cameras and the thief will now go to court. I’m not a vengeful person but the accused already has two other conviction­s.

Main message: if you have something that appears valuable, have ID tags tucked into secret places, and keep it secure with locks and cameras.

Allan Wilson


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