Lethbridge Herald

Studies give no clear answers about cellphone safety



Two government studies that bombarded rats and mice with cellphone radiation found a weak link to some heart tumours, but scientists and federal regulators say don’t worry — it is still safe to use your device.

Previous studies of cellphone users had found little reason for concern, but the newest research took a closer look at the effects of super-high doses in animals to address some lingering questions that could not be tested on humans.

The rat study released Friday found a small increase in an unusual type of heart tumour in male rats but no other significan­t problems in females or in a separate study of mice. In particular, scientists could not find hard evidence for concern about brain tumours.

The lead author of the research, John Bucher of the National Institute of Environmen­tal Health Sciences, is not changing his cellphone use or advising his family to.

Adding to the confusion about how to weigh these results, the same study that found heart tumours nonetheles­s showed that the radiated rats somehow lived longer than the control group that was not radiated.

The findings about the rare nerve-tissue tumour discovered in the hearts of male rats do not translate directly into a concern for humans, Bucher said.

Bucher’s agency conducted the $25 million study at the behest of the Food and Drug Administra­tion, which quickly said cellphones are safe.

“The current safety limits for cellphones are acceptable for protecting the public health,” FDA radiation health chief Dr. Jeffrey Shuren said in a statement. “Even with frequent daily use by the vast majority of adults, we have not seen an increase in events like brain tumors.”

Bucher said the typical cellphone use is “very, very, very much lower than what we studied.”

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