Lethbridge Herald

Input sought for future of airport


- www.yqlliftoff.ca/calculator.

Area residents are being asked to provide feedback for the launch of the YQL Liftoff project.

As Lethbridge County and the City of Lethbridge move forward in a joint governance model for the Lethbridge Airport, a public informatio­n and consultati­on process is now underway.

The aim, County officials said in a release, is to give the public the opportunit­y to learn more about the future of the airport as well as to provide comments on the various aspects of proposed planning.

The YQL Liftoff Project consists of three main components: the Airport Master Plan, marketing and governance. The Airport Master Plan is designed to guide strategic planning by creating a 20-year developmen­t framework to meet short- and long-term objectives.

The first opportunit­y for feedback is on proposed changes and updates to the Air Terminal Building (at www.yqlliftoff.ca/terminal/).

Proposed improvemen­ts include barrier-free washrooms in hold rooms and the creation of two separate gate locations to better facilitate departures.

Throughout this process, public feedback will be essential, County officials say.

The YQL Liftoff Project website will provide regular updates to keep the public informed throughout the process. A trip calculator is also provided to give visitors an insight into the benefits and cost savings of using the Lethbridge Airport versus driving to Calgary. It is at

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