Lethbridge Herald

Wyatt Cenac aims to inform


- David Bauder

Wyatt Cenac, the latest entrant in late-night television comedy with a series that debuted Friday on HBO, took inspiratio­n from John Oliver in his desire to inform along with being entertaini­ng.

Cenac’s “Problem Areas” is described as a comedy “docu-series,” and resembles Oliver’s “Last Week Tonight” in how each episode has a central story approached with journalist­ic rigour, and quicker comedic bits. Oliver is an executive producer and the show’s backstage is populated with people who worked with him and also at their shared alma mater, “The Daily Show.”

That’s where the similariti­es end. Cenac’s more laid-back style replaces Oliver’s hyperactiv­ity. “Problem Areas” has no studio audience, and in each episode, Cenac travels somewhere different in the country to explore aspects of the main story. His entire 10-episode season concentrat­es on different facets of one story, in this case policing and how it affects different communitie­s.

The show airs Fridays at 11:30 p.m. Eastern and Pacific times.

Oliver’s success “definitely gave me a lot of confidence that there could be an appetite for a show like mine,” Cenac said. “I looked at his show for inspiratio­n in that way.”

Podcasts like “Serial” also convinced Cenac that some people are interested in stories told in depth, spread over several episodes.

With its creative graphics and a cool vibe, “Problem Areas” establishe­s right away that viewers have landed in a different spot than other latenight comedy shows.

Cenac also makes that clear. He looks into the camera early in the opening episode and says that it’s probably the point at which he’s supposed to talk about Donald Trump and all the trouble everyone’s in. “But you already knew that,” he says.

“It was less about thinking about making something original and more about thinking about building something for my skill set, and what I feel my strengths as a performer and storytelle­r are,” he said.

Like many black men and women, Cenac has his own uncomforta­ble experience­s being pulled over by the police. Besides looking into some well-known cases where police actions were questioned, the show also looks into how police officers are trained and interact with certain communitie­s.

“I come in with the curiosity of a concerned citizen,” Cenac said. “I live in this country, too. It’s not enough for me to simply demand better on social media, or go to a march when there’s a march and have a sign,” he said.

 ?? Associated Press photo ?? Wyatt Cenac mixes humour and informatio­n in his new HBO series.
Associated Press photo Wyatt Cenac mixes humour and informatio­n in his new HBO series.

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