Lethbridge Herald

So close to 100,000

Census has Lethbridge population at 99,769

- J.W. Schnarr

You were so close, Lethbridge. Maybe next year. On Monday, the City released its 2018 census showing the population is inching — literally, it seems — toward that vaunted 100,000 mark. The numbers were provided to council during its regular meeting.

Officially, Lethbridge now stands at 99,769 citizens — a mere 231 away from 100,000. This year’s numbers are 1.6 per cent, or 1,571, above the 2017 municipal census number.

“The numbers were checked and rechecked,” said Mayor Chris Spearman. “We would have liked to be over 100,000, but it wasn’t to be.”

Lethbridge traditiona­lly sees a sustainabl­e rate of growth hovering around the 1.5 to two per cent mark. This means the 100,000 could be waiting just down the road on next year’s census.

“We don’t want to jinx ourselves and predict anything for next year, but certainly, the city continues to grow at a steady rate,” said Spearman.

The growth can be broken down to three sections of Lethbridge:

• North Lethbridge saw a 0.9 per cent increase of 247 to 27,700;

• South Lethbridge saw a 1.42 per cent increase of 449 to 32,109; and

• West Lethbridge saw a 2.24 per cent increase of 875 to 39,960.

“West Lethbridge continues to grow at about twice the rate of other areas of the city,” Spearman said.

The City conducts a census every year to provide an accurate count for provincial and federal percapita grants.

Funding from these sources helps support constructi­on of facilities such as Westside Fire Station and Legacy Park.

“The participat­ion of residents and the commitment of census takers in our yearly census is greatly appreciate­d,” said David Sarsfield, deputy city clerk, in a City news release. “Without the cooperatio­n of our residents, we would not be able to collect the informatio­n that we require.”

This was the fourth year the census takers used mobile devices to gather informatio­n at the door.

The census determines the number of people living in each household as well as their age and sex.

This snapshot of the city’s demographi­cs helps City department­s plan what services will be needed in what areas.

Spearman said he feels employment opportunit­ies continue to be part of city growth.

“I’m hoping some of them are university and college students who are staying here,” he said. “They’ve got skills that become part of the workforce.”

Detailed census informatio­n is available at lethbridge.ca/census.

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 ?? Herald photo by Ian Martens ?? Pedestrian­s cross 4 Avenue South Monday afternoon downtown. Census numbers for the city have been announced and Lethbridge is just short of reaching the 100,000 mark. @IMartensHe­rald
Herald photo by Ian Martens Pedestrian­s cross 4 Avenue South Monday afternoon downtown. Census numbers for the city have been announced and Lethbridge is just short of reaching the 100,000 mark. @IMartensHe­rald

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