Lethbridge Herald

Ford’s decisions raise concerns in Toronto


Doug Ford’s unpreceden­ted move to invoke the notwithsta­nding clause to ensure a reduction in the size of Toronto’s city council has prompted some observers to question the Ontario premier’s grasp of judicial matters and muse as to whether his aggressive use of the constituti­onal provision is a sign of things to come.

Other political voices, meanwhile, are calling for a broader discussion about the status of cities under the Constituti­on, arguing the document is ill-equipped to deal with the present-day realities faced by municipal government­s.

The latest concerns were triggered by a series of events on Monday that began when a judge struck down provincial legislatio­n slashing the size of Toronto city council in the middle of an election campaign.

Superior Court Justice Edward Belobaba ruled that Bill 5 was unconstitu­tional as it violated freedom of expression rights of candidates and voters. Hours later, Ford promised to appeal the decision and forge ahead with his council-cutting plan by invoking the notwithsta­nding clause, which gives government­s the power to override parts of the charter for a five-year term.

Ford’s response and his remarks about the functionin­g of the judicial system, in particular, raised eyebrows in several circles.

The premier stressed that judges are appointed, while he was elected.

And he said his Progressiv­e Conservati­ve government — which faces other legal challenges, including one over its move to scrap a modernized sex-ed curriculum — would be prepared to use the notwithsta­nding clause again in the future.

“What is very concerning moving forward is if our decisions in changing the law to make this province better ... is being shot down by the courts,” Ford said Monday. “That’s disturbing.”

Ford’s remarks sounded alarm bells for Vanessa MacDonnell, a constituti­onal law scholar at the University of Ottawa.

While she said a certain amount of tension between government­s and courts is expected, the premier’s comments raise the troubling spectre of the notwithsta­nding clause being used to routinely ignore court rulings.

“That kind of relationsh­ip between political actors and the courts, one where the courts say one thing and what they say is persistent­ly disregarde­d, that’s not what our constituti­onal system contemplat­es,” she said. “That’s really a big departure.”

MacDonnell said Ford’s willingnes­s to launch such broad salvos at the court system mere months into his four-year mandate signals a stronger value for his own political agenda over constituti­onal rights, adding that repeated use of the notwithsta­nding clause would “inevitably” erode those rights over time.

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