Lethbridge Herald

Manitoba’s carbon tax works for now: PM

Trudeau says emissions plan will be discussed with provinces later


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he’s happy Manitoba has put a price on carbon emissions even though the province doesn’t plan to keep pace with Ottawa’s climate change plan.

Trudeau is in Winnipeg and was set to meet with Premier Brian Pallister behind closed doors later Tuesday.

He says he’s happy a conservati­ve premier has acknowledg­ed the need to put a price on pollution and understand­s the need to fight climate change.

Manitoba is adopting a $25-per-tonne flat carbon tax that will not rise to $50 a tonne by 2022 as dictated by Ottawa.

Trudeau says Manitoba’s carbon tax works for now and the two will talk in the coming years to ensure “everyone is doing their part.”

He urged Pallister to encourage other conservati­ves across the country to recognize the importance of having a plan to fight climate change.

“We are very pleased that Manitoba is moving forward with a strong plan to put a cost on pollution and we will have conversati­ons in the coming years as I know we will have conversati­ons with different provinces across the country,” Trudeau said following a tour of a Canada Goose factory Tuesday.

“But for now to see a leader, indeed a conservati­ve leader, who understand­s the need to have a concrete plan that fights climate change and that takes real action that is going to be in the best interest of Manitobans right now and in businesses in the years to come is something that I very much welcome.”

Ottawa has said any province that doesn’t keep up with the price of carbon outlined in the federal plan will have a price imposed.

Saskatchew­an is asking the Court of Appeal to rule on whether that plan is unconstitu­tional.

Pallister has said the province has obtained a legal opinion saying the federal government may have the right to force a carbon tax on the provinces, but there may be some wiggle room when it comes to the exact amount.

The premier has argued the province deserves credit for the billions of dollars it has invested in clean hydroelect­ric power — something he hinted will be discussed when he meets with Trudeau later Tuesday.

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