Lethbridge Herald

Where are consequenc­es for criminal behaviour?



Laws in Canada need to be addressed and changed. Consequenc­es for criminal behaviour are basically non-existent. Police are handcuffed by existing laws and everything they do is under a microscope. Criminals have all the rights and slight deterrents. For instance: 1. Catherine McKay, driving impaired, kills an entire family of four and is sentenced to 10 years in prison. One month later she is transferre­d to a healing lodge (First Nations). Wow!

2. Vince Li chops Tim McLean’s head off with a knife. He is assessed, ruled not responsibl­e and granted an absolute discharge. Not one condition for release or monitoring to ensure he takes medication for schizophre­nia. How would you feel if Tim was your son?

3. Matthew de Grood stabs five people to death and is ruled not responsibl­e. He is doing escorted day trips in the community. Five broken families are outraged and you should be as well.

4. Terri-Lynn McClintic brutally murders eight-year-old Tori Stafford, is convicted and sentenced. Four years later she is transferre­d to a healing lodge. It utterly defies logic.

5. Ahmed Ressam (Algerian terrorist) enters Canada (false passport), claims refugee status, commits multiple crimes, draws welfare and evades deportatio­n with a false identity. Our illustriou­s prime minister welcomes former ISIS fighters back into Canada for rehabilita­tion.

Refugees are welcome, no need to legally apply to enter Canada. How has the Liberal government responded? A new firearms bill designed to track gun ownership. Missed the boat entirely. Political grandstand­ing for non-firearm owners. Both non-firearm owners and firearm owners are mystified and nonsupport­ive.

Current laws do not allow a person to defend property, family or lives with excessive force. Ridiculous! All Canadians deserve the right to protect property and families with whatever force is necessary. Police are unable to respond in time in most emergency situations. We need real justice (stiff sentencing) for those who choose to break our laws.

Dale Brooks


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