Lethbridge Herald

Lethbridge College to hold online graduation ceremony on Friday



Lethbridge College will hold an alternate convocatio­n ceremony online for graduating students on Friday. Students will also receive a convocatio­n package in May, which will include a savethe-date card that will allow them to participat­e in the 2021 convocatio­n ceremony.

“We know that crossing the stage in front of the friends, family and faculty who have supported their journeys is a very meaningful milestone for many students,” said Marko Hilgersom,

Lethbridge College Registrar, in a news release. “We want to ensure that our graduates still have that opportunit­y as soon as it is safe to do so, and we look forward to welcoming them back to celebrate next year.”

Convocatio­n this year will be an all-day celebratio­n on social media channels and the college’s website. The package mailed out in May will include students’ parchments, a convocatio­n program, a congratula­tions card and an alumni pin.

“We want these students who have worked so hard to know that they are not forgotten. We are incredibly proud of their successes and they deserve to be celebrated,” said Paula

Burns, Lethbridge College president and CEO.

In March, Lethbridge College announced it will not hold convocatio­n this year, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of gathering at the Enmax Centre, students can look to Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to find a series of congratula­tions and surprises. The college also said students should watch online throughout the week for an opportunit­y to get a custom-designed digital keepsake.

“Convocatio­n is one of our campus’ most important days, and we know how disappoint­ing it is for our students who are not able to cross the stage on Friday,” said Burns.

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