Lethbridge Herald

Canadians don’t want to let Americans in

Many Canadians concerned about U.S.’s COVID record

- James McCarten

ACanadian cabinet minister was among the guests waiting in the virtual wings of a recent Zoom panel when the moderator posed one last question to the chairman of the U.S. House Intelligen­ce Committee, promising the discussion would “move to Canada” next.

Rep. Adam Schiff couldn’t resist: “We may all be moving to Canada soon,” he deadpanned.

But as a resurgent COVID-19 ravages the U.S., fuelled by cavalier openings in states like Florida and Texas and a White House determined to resurrect the economy at all costs, the red-alert status spreading across the continent’s lower half has more Canadians than ever ignoring America’s increasing­ly persistent knock.

An online poll by Leger and the Associatio­n for Canadian Studies released this week found a whopping 86 per cent of respondent­s in Canada opposed to letting U.S. tourists north of the border, compared with 11 per cent who supported it. An Abacus Data poll out Friday found much the same thing.

And when Rep. Brian Higgins, a New York Democrat, updated his bipartisan call for a plan to reopen the border, the ensuing Twitter barrage of sarcasm, satire and outright anger belied Canada’s reputation as a bastion of civility, replete with memes of building walls, slamming doors and Bugs Bunny taking a handsaw to the 49th parallel. Higgins took it all in stride. “I don’t blame them for wanting us out of there,” the congressma­n said Friday of the Canadian reaction.

“I have an obligation to be honest, and I have an obligation to always keep trying. And if anything, what I hope will come from all of this is an appreciati­on for the tale of two neighbouri­ng countries’ response to COVID-19:

America’s has been deplorable, and the Canadian response has been fast, strong and united.”

When the outbreak first took hold in North America in March, Canada and the U.S. agreed to close their shared border to discretion­ary travel while allowing the movement of goods and essential workers to continue. That initial 30-day agreement has been extended three times now, and will surely be extended again before its next July 21 expiry date.

Since March, the U.S. has seen more than three million cases and 133,000 deaths, and the crisis is accelerati­ng in states across the union. Florida is breaking records daily for new COVID-19 cases and deaths. In Arizona and Texas, one in four tests is coming back positive.

Further north, states like Wisconsin and Michigan are seeing fresh spikes in their active caseloads. Hospitals are again rapidly nearing capacity.

In their letter last week to acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and Canada’s Public Safety Minister Bill Blair, Higgins and 27 other members of Congress,

Democrat and Republican alike, urged the two countries to stop kicking the can down the road and draft a detailed plan for the gradual reopening of the border.

“The continual 30-day extensions without a plan for how restrictio­ns will be modified prolongs uncertaint­y for both communitie­s and creates unnecessar­y tension as we approach each new expiration,” they wrote.

“We are asking that the United States and Canada immediatel­y craft a comprehens­ive framework for phased reopening of the border based on objective metrics and accounting for the varied circumstan­ces across border regions.”

That doesn’t mean throwing open the border to Americans, Higgins said. But it could mean redefining essential travel to include foreign property owners and people with business interests or family members on the other side, provided they wear masks and practice physical distancing.

“Never in our lifetime have we had a situation where the health of you and your family is dependent on your fellow citizens to do the right thing,” he said.

“A phased opening could expand the category of ‘essential traveller,’ but (include) certifying some way that you are adhering to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s protocol as it relates to stopping the spread of COVID-19.”

Ontario Premier Doug Ford, a pro-trade conservati­ve and longtime champion of Canada-U.S. ties, has been among those urging zero tolerance at the border until the crisis in the U.S. has passed — a position spokeswoma­n Ivana Yelich reiterated Friday.

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