Lethbridge Herald

Bin pickup decision is ill-thought


Another questionab­le decision made by whomever in city hall to move bin pickup from the alleys to the front streets. Nearly 10 years ago, we and our neighbours paid to have our alley paved. It is wide, clear and easy to drive upon. We did this to provide easy and clean access to our property and back yards from the alley.

An added benefit is to provide good access for service vehicles and City equipment; for example, the garbage pickup trucks. There is ample room for these vehicles to drive in this alley, much less traffic and congestion than on the street in front of our homes. Excuses for moving the bin pickup were: safety for garbage truck drivers (what about safety for all drivers along our street, now impeded by start-andstop garbage truck drivers); vehicles parked illegally in alleyway (if they are illegally parked, ticket or tow them); and people leaving bins out in the alley (again, if this is not allowed, deal with those involved; being fined a few times would fix this issue).

With our bins on the street, subject to normal traffic, winds, snowdrifts, City snow removal equipment, et al, I cannot see how this change will benefit anyone. Reconsider this ill-thought, onesize-fits-all decision and leave bin pickup in those alleys which are safe. Once, again, get out into the city and look at what’s going on, and talk to the people involved. Maybe then, your decisions would better reflect the needs of the people you serve.

Pat Thurston


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