Medicine Hat News

Be like a kid in matters of faith

- Lila de Waal is diaconal minister at Victory Lutheran Church. Rev. Lila de Waal

When I was single I didn’t think a lot about little kids. But once I held my own child in my arms everything changed. I became fascinated in everything to do with children, child developmen­t and parenting.

Now that my children are adults I continue to be fascinated by children, how they change and grow and their delight of life and learning.

We used to tell our kids that once they were born, we no longer needed a television. They were so fascinatin­g to us, that TV had no allure.

I wish our culture could take a turn in that direction. We all need collective­ly, to treasure the children, to be fascinated by them. Without children there is no life. Adults need kids just as much as kids need adults. We need them to keep us honest and to keep us real. They look at the world with fresh eyes and we would all do well to look at the world from their perspectiv­e.

This is true in regards to faith as well. Children have the most beautiful faith. They trust their Lord with open hearts. That is why I am sad when I meet families who are not making it a priority to teach their children the faith. How sad for the children that they don’t learn that there is a Lord who loves them and will help them in their troubles and walk with them through life.

Jesus said, “I tell you the truth, unless you turn from your sins and become like little children, you will never get into the Kingdom of Heaven. So anyone who becomes as humble as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven.” Matthew 18:3-4 NLT

In the matter of faith, Jesus gave the children as an example for us. We adults think that we lead the children, but Jesus turns us upside down. The children lead the adults. When a child learns that Jesus loves them, they believe it and live in that love. When a child learns they can talk to God, they do it, knowing that God hears them.

So this summer, when you see the kids outside playing, remember to be like a kid in matters of faith. Trust God with an open heart. And if you have kids in your life, bring them to church so that they can grow in that faith.

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