Medicine Hat News

Murraydale Stampede’s new announcer’s booth a tribute to Garry Buchanan

- PEGGY REVELL prevell@medicineha­ Twitter: MHNprevell

One man’s enthusiasm for keeping western heritage alive will be celebrated this Sunday at the Murraydale Stampede, as a newly constructe­d announcer’s booth is dedicated to the memory of the late Garry Buchanan of Consul, Sask.

The Stampede is held in the Cypress Hills, 34 kilometres southeast of Maple Creek.

“Garry simply was a spectator, he came to Murraydale and he brought his family there year after year after year, like so many people do,” said Art Unsworth, president of the Murraydale Stampede and Picnic Society, about Buchanan’s enthusiasm for the annual Stampede that runs like clockwork every second weekend of July.

The Stampede’s old announcer booth was in service since approximat­ely 1967, said Unsworth. While it had quite a few miles on it, it was still going. That is, until this past winter.

“We obviously had some severe weather come through during the winter and it literally wiped it off the top of the poles,” said Unsworth.

Unsworth put the word out that a new booth was needed, and immediatel­y Buchanan’s two daughters, Laura BuchananEr­ickson of Robsart, Sask., and Katherine Buchanan-Sabine of Medicine Hat, stepped forward to build and sponsor a new one in honour of their father, who passed away a few years ago.

“This 2017 Father's Day was an extremely special and fitting day as three generation­s of Buchanans and some wonderful friends went about rebuilding the Murraydale announcer booth,” said the sisters in a statement. “Equally important is to continue a legacy: Celebratin­g and honouring old cowboys, encouragin­g young cowboys and cowgirls to keep the western heritage alive.”

“That's what was important to Dad: The gift given from his parents, and passed to each of us”

A work party on July 3 installed the booth at the Stampede’s grounds, while on Sunday during the Stampede there will be a moment held to thank the Buchanan family for their contributi­on, and dedicate the booth officially in Garry’s memory.

For more informatio­n about the Murraydale Stampede, including a schedule of events, visit http://murraydale­

 ??  ?? In memory of their late father, Garry Buchanan, who was an immense fan of the Murraydale Stampede, Laura BuchananEr­ickson and Katherine Buchanan-Sabine sponsored and built a new announcer booth that will be ready to go in time for this year's Stampede...
In memory of their late father, Garry Buchanan, who was an immense fan of the Murraydale Stampede, Laura BuchananEr­ickson and Katherine Buchanan-Sabine sponsored and built a new announcer booth that will be ready to go in time for this year's Stampede...

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