Medicine Hat News

Canadian gov’t must protect our sovereignt­y in NAFTA renegotiat­ions


Re: “Canada most sued nation under NAFTA,” June 29

If only one positive thing comes from Donald Trump being elected president of the U.S., then perhaps the opportunit­y to renegotiat­e the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is it.

This so-called trade deal has given us Chapter 11 corporate lawsuits that have cost Canada tens of millions of dollars so far with billions more in pending claims, eroded environmen­tal and public policy, hollowed out manufactur­ing towns and put hundreds of thousands of people out of work, and greater inequality in Canada, the U.S. and Mexico.

No one is against trade but deals like NAFTA are really a Bill of Rights for corporatio­ns. Under NAFTA’s investment chapter, corporatio­ns are granted “private legal standing” or the ability to sue government­s directly and to seek monetary damages when government­s pass legislatio­n that might prevent corporatio­ns from selling dangerous products. Cases are heard by unelected tribunals.

One example is Ethyl Corporatio­n vs. Government of Canada, whereby Canada’s ban on fuel additive MMT (for health and environmen­tal reasons) — https://www.globalpoli­ — was deemed unfair by Ethyl Corp. and they sued Canada for $350 million in 1997. The $19.5 settlement compensati­on payment to Ethyl for lost profits and legal costs exceeds the total 1998 Environmen­t Canada budget for enforcemen­t and compliance programmes. Canada also had to issue a statement saying that the manganese-based additive is not an environmen­tal or health risk.

It is these Investor State Dispute Settlement­s (ISDS) in NAFTA and the other alphabet soup of “trade deals” (CETA, TPP) that make them dangerousl­y undemocrat­ic. The government must move to protect our sovereignt­y in the renegotiat­ions, including removal of all references to water as a good, service or investment and eliminate NAFTA’s energy proportion­ality rule, which requires Canada to export a locked-in percentage of our energy production to the U.S.

We must demand public input around the NAFTA renegotiat­ions.

David Condon Medicine Hat

(The writer belongs to the Medicine Hat chapter, Council of Canadians)

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