Medicine Hat News

Too early for forecast on Lyme disease ticks


NEW YORK Tick population­s are exploding? Tick-borne diseases are on the rise?

Some recent headlines suggest Americans are facing a particular­ly bad year for tick bites and illnesses, but the evidence is patchy and the science complicate­d. What may be true in one part of the country — or even one part of a county — may not be true in another. And there are signs that the most common tick-borne illness — Lyme disease — may be occurring at roughly usual levels.

Here’s a look at the tick situation: THE HAZARD Ticks are small, bloodsucki­ng insects that feed on animals but will bite people, too. Some are infected with germs that can cause illness, and they spread those germs when they bite. For people, the main worry is blacklegge­d ticks, which can spread Lyme disease and other illnesses. Nearly 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported to the federal government each year, but experts think it’s underrepor­ted and the actual number may be more like 300,000. Blacklegge­d ticks — also called deer ticks — were once found mainly in New England and pockets of the Midwest, but in recent years have been seen over a wider range .

When infected ticks bite, a “bulls’-eye” rash can appear a few days later. It can be followed by severe headaches, neck stiffness and pain in the joints or other parts of the body. People usually recover quickly and completely when treated with antibiotic­s in the disease’s early stages.

Not all blacklegge­d ticks are infected. Typically about half of the adult ticks that come in for testing at a University of Massachuse­tts lab carry the bacteria, and that's about what the lab is seeing again this year, said Stephen Rich. He runs a project that tests around 10,000 ticks each year sent in by people who were bitten. THE OUTLOOK U.S. health officials refuse to make prediction­s about ticks and tick diseases, and say it's hard to even know how bad things are. There are monitoring projects in some states, or some parts of states, but there's not any comprehens­ive data to give a clear picture of what's happening nationally, noted Rebecca Eisen, a tick expert at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Thomas Mather, a University of Rhode Island researcher who's considered a pro at surveying for ticks, hasn't seen a jump in the blacklegge­d variety. Even if blacklegge­d ticks are up this year, a change in conditions — like a dry heat wave — could knock the population way down, he added. OTHER TICKS Other kinds of ticks can cause other diseases and health problems.

Perhaps the most unusual is caused by the Lone Star tick, which — despite its Texas-sounding name, is found mainly in the Southeast. Several years ago, doctors began noticing a sudden increase in meat allergies in people bitten by Lone Star ticks. Researcher­s concluded that the bloodsucke­rs are carrying a sugar humans don't have, which can trigger the bizarre immune system reaction that makes them react to red meat.

To protect against ticks, learn what kinds are common where you live. Avoid high grass. Use EPA-registered repellent. And check yourself and your children for ticks daily.

“It only takes one tick to make you sick,” said Rich.

 ?? JAMES GATHANY/ CDC VIA AP ?? This undated photo provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a female Lone Star tick.
JAMES GATHANY/ CDC VIA AP This undated photo provided by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a female Lone Star tick.

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