Medicine Hat News

Prague’s paternoste­r elevator is a relic of an earlier era


PRAGUE, Czech Republic For visitors to Prague, the recent opening of a rooftop terrace on the art nouveau Lucerna Palace building offers a double attraction: A sweeping rooftop view of the old town, and a rare ride in a paternoste­r — a cyclic elevator with no doors that works on a circuit and never stops moving.

Paternoste­r elevators were invented in the late 19th century, and some are still in use across Europe.

You can find dozens of them elsewhere in the Czech Republic, though they’re mainly used by staff in government buildings. Not many are open to the public.

A few remain in Britain, where the paternoste­r had its origins, and Copenhagen has five. Danish lawmakers are often seen jumping in an out of them at the Christians­borg Palace, which houses the Danish Parliament.

There are as many as 200 still in use in the Germany.

The elevators feature two shafts side by side, with doorless cars slowly going up one side and then down the other in an endless circuit. You can hop on at one floor and off at another without ever pressing a button.

Paternoste­r is Latin for lord’s prayer, and they got their name because each car runs on chains on a belt loop, a bit like the beads on a rosary.

Passengers are supposed to exit before the paternoste­r passes the top or bottom floor. If they don’t, nothing serious happens, though they must wait to go around the top or bottom before heading back up or down in the opposite direction. Some make the turn just for fun.

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