Medicine Hat News

Fiscal conservati­ves haven’t had a voice in Alberta for 20 years


Re: “Fiscal conservati­ves will be the downfall of ‘divided’ party and Notley’s New Democrats will win re-election,” Oct. 6

Mr. Egan has made up his mind, but is confused. Former prime minister Stephen Harper never actually included much for fiscal conservati­ves. The Flanagan doctrine he purported to follow featured measured incrementa­lism to get the budget under control. In reality, the government grew in size and programs grew. They were on track to actually slaying the deficit, but at an agonizingl­y slow schedule. Yes, they insisted on tight messaging, mostly to avoid the bozo eruptions we suffered in Alberta.

Provincial­ly, our fiscal conservati­ves haven’t had a voice for nearly 20 years. All of the items Mr. Egan lists, besides blowing up hospitals, are examples of a lack of fiscal management. The truth is, growing budgets outpaced revenue. The solutions aren’t easy, but I suppose Mr. Egan favours higher taxes. The progressiv­e conservati­ves were more progressiv­e than conservati­ve for most of the 40 years they were in power.

Oddly, Mr. Egan blames fiscal conservati­ves instead of the social conservati­ve bogeyman that horrifies moderate voters, and freedom lovers like me. The Wildrose party came very close, twice, to holding power. Days before, in both elections, social conservati­ve bozo eruptions drove people away. It’s always been a big tent, but then politics makes for strange bedfellows.

I suggest, politely, Mr. Egan, that social conservati­ves should do a little self reflection, figure out what doesn’t pass the smell test, and stop always surroundin­g yourself with people who agree with you.

Ryan Landrevill­e Medicine Hat

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