Medicine Hat News

Tigers prospect Matechuk recovering from injuries sustained in Broncos’ bus crash


Layne Matechuk is on the road to recovery.

The Medicine Hat Tigers prospect suffered a brain injury in the Humboldt Broncos bus crash that took the lives of 16 and injured 13 more.

Matechuk’s family released a statement Friday to inform the public that after being in a coma for a month, Matechuk is awake and showing signs of progress.

“The journey ahead will not be easy. He has not yet been able to speak. However, each day, he gets a little stronger and we are getting signs from him about what he is thinking,” the statement reads. “He doesn’t appear to know what has happened. And while we see his frustratio­n, we also see his determinat­ion. Layne has always had to work hard to achieve his success. While growing up, as other kids played at school, he would be at the rink working towards his dream of playing hockey. It was all he ever wanted to do. And for a while, he lived that dream.”

Matechuk’s family thanked the medical staff at Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon, as well as all those who have reached out to show their support for his recovery.

Matechuk was transferre­d to Saskatoon City Hospital this week to continue the rehabilita­tion progress.

“We wish we could tell you it is getting easier. The reality is it’s not. At this point, we are not sure when Layne will get to leave hospital. But, what we can tell you is that we believe he gets a little closer every day,” the statement reads. “We #believe the strength an determinat­ion that brought Layne success on the ice will bring him success in the months and years to come. We ask that you continue to send your prayers and support to him - and to think of him.”

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