Medicine Hat News

Predicting a sloppy, muddy, mucky spring


Democracy is a game of inches. To believe in democracy is to accept that you, the individual, will probably never get exactly what you want.

A shared vision of Canada’s future, common goals, compromise, respect and adversaria­l fellowship, grease the bearings of a healthy, functionin­g democratic system.

The lawfully attained will of the majority of eligible voters is the righteous power used by government to rule.

This power has the sanction of the people through fair and lawfully elected government and processes. the government honours the power it’s given by ruling in the long-term best interest of the people it serves.

If this is all true, then I predict a sloppy, muddy, mucky spring in 2019.

Quite obviously, our current federal and provincial government­s want what they want — compromise be damned. They want no new Alberta-based pipelines, a dead petroleum sector, a less educated, poorer, more beholden and brainwashe­d, less free, general public — a public overtaxed, underrepre­sented, and cowed into their smiles and vague head nods by political correctnes­s.

Our lovely prime minister has called those who disagree “pieces of s---” in the House of Commons. Recently he referred to the opposition as those “goons across the aisle.” Under his leadership, adversaria­l fellowship has become class- and culture-warfare.

I believe Mr. Trudeau wants to take Canadians places they don’t want to go. The bearings of our democratic system are overheatin­g because the federal and Alberta government­s do not rule in the long-term best interest of the people they serve.

Lowering the voting age to 16? That’s embarrassi­ngly self-serving, Justin. Everyone knows how easy it is to fool children.

If we cannot put the electoral system above reproach, then Canada has a terminal illness. I can wait two hours or 24 hours for an electoral decision I can trust. I recommend a return to the old ways of ballot counting. Call up the church ladies, remove all computer technology beyond calculator­s.

Use the new system only when it’s unhackable, honest and beyond reproach. Any whiff of scandal or interferen­ce in 2019’s ballots could start fires that we can’t put out.

Trudeau has stoked resentment and division for three-plus years with his wacky agendas, arrogance and ignorance. Just like his daddy.

Ms. Notley is as transparen­t as a window screen. We know she doesn’t want Alberta to prosper. We know she doesn’t want pipelines or the oil sands. We know socialism doesn’t work. It’s the homogeniza­tion of the human race to the lowest common denominato­r.

Who pays in the end? The village cow, the middle class. She is milked, bled and butchered, one piece at a time. One day soon these socialists are going to kill the cow, cut up what’s left, keep most of the carcass for themselves and give the guts and hide to the less fortunate.

It’s going to be a sloppy, muddy, mucky spring in 2019.

Leath Johnston Medicine Hat

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