Medicine Hat News

Time to start getting ‘eggcited’ with Easter just around the corner

- Patty Rooks Science Smarts

I know it is hard to believe that Easter is just around the corner. Where does the time go? With a holiday that uses a LOT of eggs, I thought it would be a good idea to get “eggcited” about science and try this experiment at home with your family. Let’s get started!

*Remember to ask an adult before doing this experiment.


- Peeled, hard-boiled eggs

- Narrow mouth glass bottle

- Wooden matches

- Scissors

- Paper

- Ruler

- Pencil

- Safe place to work

- Safety goggles


• Find a safe place to work, as this experiment involves burning paper so we should have a clear counter top, or even over top of the sink is a great place.

• Using the ruler, measure a piece of paper 10 cm x 2 cm and cut it out.

• Put on your safety goggles.

• Have an adult light the strip of paper with the matches and carefully drop it inside the bottle.

• The paper will still be

burning in the bottom of the bottle; this is just fine.

• Quickly, place the hardboiled egg, pointed side down directly on the mouth of the glass bottle.

• Observe. What is going on?

WOW! The egg was sucked into the bottle. No hands – magic you may ask? No, it involves science of course.

When you started the “eggsperime­nt”, the air pressure inside of the bottle was equal to the pressure outside. Then, you put a piece of burning paper in the bottle, which of course heated up the air. This heated air began to contract and expand. As the air contracted, the air pressure inside the bottle was less than the pressure outside of the bottle. The higher pressure outside of the bottle literally allowed the egg to be pushed or sucked down into the bottle!

The trick now is to get the egg out. It is possible, but I think that is an article for another week — or if you solve this mystery message me, I would love to hear your ideas!

Please note that because of the current health situation, our office is temporaril­y closed. Praxis will not be distributi­ng kits or offering other direct services for now. We will continue to do science outreach via our web page and social media. Keep checking back for relevant hands-on curriculum specific postings to do at home.

Patty Rooks, Senior Scientific Consultant PRAXIS,

“Connecting Science To The Community”. Contact Praxis at,, Tweet or follow us @PraxisMedH­at, or friend us on Facebook. Address: #12 826 11 Street S. E., Medicine Hat, Alberta, T1A 1T7 Phone: 403.527.5365, email:

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