Medicine Hat News

Government needs to practice moral fiscal responsibi­lity


I am a long time small “c” conservati­ve and thus have conservati­ve values including fiscal responsibi­lity. I am very disappoint­ed in the new conservati­ve government and in particular­ly Premier Kenney. I worked the campaign for one of our local MLAs and attended the rally where Jason Kenney spoke to those gathered at the MLAs campaign office. In his speech he did not mention or even hint that he intended to attack seniors health care. Attack us he has by cutting services provided by Alberta Health and Alberta Blue Cross. His latest attack is cutting off funding for seniors’ driver medicals. Seniors know better than most the benefits of being fiscally conservati­ve, however making cuts to the most vulnerable fixed income citizens of this once great province have left me feeling embarrasse­d for voting for this so-called leader. His cuts to education also indicate he has no empathy towards our youth as well. Cuts to health care and education during this unpreceden­ted pandemic is just plain mean and narcissist­ic! As the old adage goes “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.” I will never again vote UCP as long as Kenney is the leader. I cannot bring myself to vote for any party that does not practice moral fiscal management of our resources so unless Kenney steps down, highly unlikely for one who may not be large in stature but has an enormous ego, I will not be able to exercise my right or civic responsibi­lity to vote in the next election. This Premier has effectivel­y disenfranc­hised me and likely many others who believed in him and the UPC. Enjoy your one term as premier Mr. Kenney.

Ron Noël Medicine Hat

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