Medicine Hat News

Ticked Off & Tickled Pink

- Phone: 403-528-5682 Email: ticked@medicineha­


Ticked Off and Tickled Pink provides a venue for the free exchange of ideas in our community. While we encourage comments on every topic, the News reserves the right to edit them for length, timeliness, libel and decency. No identifyin­g factors can be present in the submission­s.

Hat MLA even have a public opinion on any of the issues affecting SE Alberta? Her silence over current concerns in this part of Alberta has been deafening, causing me to wonder why she even bothered to enter the political arena. Thankfully we at least get comment and critical thinking from MLA Barnes. I may not agree with all he professes, but at least he has the conviction to represent his riding’s concerns.

Ticked Off

The person who says they’ll shop elsewhere if required to wear a mask at a business ... thank you! Those of us who do wear them, are doing so to protect ourselves and others. Feel free to continue to display your ignorance but at a distance.

Ticked Off

Our police service must be too busy to enforce timed parking spots. Live by one and every day there is at least one person breaking this. You’d think come street sweep day they’d also be ticketing these areas... nope! Why even put up these signs if they’re not being enforced?

Ticked Off

Ticked off that people think the city should give money to Halo. Your taxes will be used for that support. Why not donate personally and get a tax receipt. If the city donates you won’t be getting a tax receipt. Wake up.

Ticked Off

That criminals in our Canadian penitentia­ries have better living conditions than our seniors in senior homes. What has this

world come to?

Tickled Pink

That the person who refuses to wear a mask will try to go to other businesses to shop. I’ll stay at the ones with masks and stay safe, while you can take a much greater risk of getting ill.

Tickled Pink

I love driving the speed limit not because of the law, but because it drives everyone behind me absolutely mental. If you’re raging because I’m only going a little over, you need to re-evaluate your life.

Ticked Off

Ticked off with everyone who suggests backyard fire pits be banned. People have a right to enjoy their own back yards.

Ticked Off

To you people that want to walk on the road 10 feet apart, that is what side walks are for. You can walk six feet behind your friend.

Ticked Off

That burning of unknowns in back yard pits is not an issue. Perhaps one has to take into account others. Smoke is not confined to the origin of the pit, but many meters down?

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