Medicine Hat News

Meng’s border exam was necessary because of national security concern: officer



A senior border officer involved in the examinatio­n of Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou at Vancouver’s airport two years ago said he has never seen a customs and immigratio­n exam deferred to allow for a quick arrest.

Supt. Sanjit Dhillon said he would not have allowed the immediate execution of the provisiona­l arrest warrant by the RCMP in the case because there were outstandin­g national security and criminalit­y concerns about Meng.

He was the most senior Canada Border Services Agency officer on duty in the airport’s secondary screening section on Dec. 1, 2018, the day Meng was questioned and arrested.

Mona Duckett, Meng’s defence lawyer, began crossexami­ning Dhillon in an evidentiar­y hearing at B.C. Supreme Court on Tuesday.

“Do you have the ability to defer an examinatio­n once a person has been identified?” Duckett asked.

“No, I’ve never done that in my career, I’ve never seen anyone do that in my career,” Dhillon responded.

“I suggest that there is no reason that this examinatio­n could not have been deferred immediatel­y so that Ms. Meng could be arrested on the provisiona­l arrest warrant,” Duckett said.

“We hadn’t even started the examinatio­n. There’s a national security concern. I wouldn’t authorize that and I wouldn’t direct anyone to do that,” Dhillon said.

Meng’s lawyers are gathering evidence in support of an argument they will make beginning in

February that Canadian officials unlawfully sought to gather evidence against her under the guise of a routine immigratio­n exam.

Meng is wanted on charges of fraud and conspiracy to commit fraud in the United States based on allegation­s that she and Huawei deny. The United States alleges Meng lied to HSBC, putting the bank at risk of violating sanctions against Iran.

Dhillon testified that he spent five to 10 minutes reading a Wikipedia page about Huawei before Meng’s plane landed that raised concerns about possible criminalit­y or national security that could affect her admissibil­ity to Canada.

The Wikipedia entry suggested Huawei products facilitate­d espionage to the benefit of the Chinese government. It also raised concerns the company had violated economic sanctions against Iran, Dhillon said.

The RCMP had told him the arrest warrant stemmed from fraud charges in the United States, he said.

“Being an officer and trusting my instincts, I was wondering if that was related,” Dhillon said.

Dhillon was not the lead examining officer but interjecte­d before the exam was complete by asking Meng questions relating to those concerns.

However, the examinatio­n was adjourned shortly after and Meng was handed to the RCMP, who arrested her and read Meng her rights.

Duckett suggested that since the exam was adjourned before the national security or criminalit­y concerns were adequately addressed, it could have been adjourned immediatel­y as well.

In the two hours and 36 minutes that Meng spent in secondary screening, Duckett asked what border officials learned to support their concerns.

“She did answer, reluctantl­y answer, as to why her products aren’t being sold in the U.S. amid security concerns. And based on her non-verbal behaviour when she was there with me, there’s more to that story that I wasn’t able to explore,” Dhillon said.

“So did you gain probative informatio­n in support of national security?” Duckett asked.

“Not enough, but no national security examinatio­n that I know of would end in three hours or be complete in three hours. It would take days,” Dhillon said.

“Precisely. Genuine national security exams take days, don’t they?” Duckett asked.

“Yes,” Dhillon said.

Dhillon told the court earlier in the cross-examinatio­n that he believed it was appropriat­e to adjourn the examinatio­n because it was going to take a long time.

Asked what he believed the adjournmen­t meant, he said Meng would return to continue the border agency exam once “the criminalit­y portion of it is completed.”

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Meng Wanzhou

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