Montreal Gazette

Kenney’s clampdown on program a savvy move

Failure to address temporary foreign workers could have harmed Tories in 2015


Jason Kenney’s overhaul of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program was a deft, decisive, politicall­y savvy move in a government not known, any longer, for such responsive­ness. At one stroke, the employment minister has lanced a boil that could have done the Conservati­ves much harm in the 2015 election. He has also further burnished his reputation as Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s go-to minister, and by extension his hopes of one day succeeding his boss as Conservati­ve leader.

The initial response to Kenney’s announceme­nt last Friday, made in tandem with Immigratio­n Minister Chris Alexander, has been mostly negative, it would be fair to say. Kenney has been accused of smashing a fly with a sledgehamm­er, of applying piecemeal fixes and generally of flying by the seat of his pants, in response to negative headlines.

It’s fair to ask: Where have the Conservati­ves been on this file since 2006, when, according to the CBC, the first of many complaints about abuse of the TFW Program began to emerge? Must the wheel always squeak before it gets the grease?

Having said that, this move is politicall­y very clever indeed. Set against the backdrop of disasters and bungles perpetrate­d by the Prime Minister’s Office on itself over the past two years, it looks positively brilliant.

Consider the sources of criticism of Kenney’s crackdown on the use of temporary foreign workers, which amounts to a phasing out of the program in its current form, in the food-service and hospitalit­y industries over the next couple of years.

Not sur prisingly, the Canadian Federation of Independen­t Business is appalled. The Alberta Hotel and Lodging Associatio­n is upset. Alberta Tory leadership candidates Jim Prentice and Thomas Lukaszuk are displeased and offering their own remedies. But the Alberta Federation of Labour is supportive, the Edmonton Journal reports.

In other words, the very constituen­cies one would normally expect to be solidly in the Conservati­ves’ corner are coming out against them on this file. And groups normally unfriendly to the Tories are pleased. And why wouldn’t they be? In effect, Kenney has just boosted Alberta’s minimum wage. As he himself has said, fast-food operators short on staff because of the paucity of foreign labour will now have to offer better wages, benefits and working conditions to attract Canadian workers. High school kids in northern Alberta just became a hot commodity.

This manoeuvre begins to place Kenney in a class of his own among Conservati­ves’ star ministers.

But now, let’s consider where that bloc of unhappy Alberta pro-business-owner votes is likely to go. The New Democrats? Um, no. The Liberals? Not them either. Though Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have positioned themselves rightward of the NDP in several policy areas, this isn’t one of them. Income inequality, the expansion of low-wage service-industry jobs versus well-paying “middle-class” jobs, and the exploitati­on of foreign workers are key battlegrou­nds for the Liberals where they hope to differenti­ate themselves from the Tories. There’s no Reform party for disgruntle­d Conservati­ves to defect to; Alberta’s Wildrose party is provincial only.

That leaves Alberta business owners with bupkis in terms of alternativ­es. Whatever influence the wealthy few once had over the Conservati­ve party is now history because of campaign-finance limits. It’s not at all clear yet that Kenney’s move won’t win as many votes, among ordinary Albertans, as it costs among the business elite. In an interview Tuesday with the National Post’s editorial board, he said as much. “Of course a few thousand business owners in Alberta will be upset that they will have to work harder to staff oper- ations, but I am very confident that most people in Alberta will understand.”

In Ontario, in Quebec and the Maritimes, meanwhile, the clampdown is all gain, no pain. Columnists at the Toronto Star may rail that Kenney’s reform doesn’t go far enough.

But most Canadians in the East, where economies are much softer than Alberta’s, and therefore less reliant on the TFW Program, will take away from this simply that the Conservati­ves are forcing McDonald’s and other big food-service chains to offer better wages for work that is difficult, dull and poorly paid. The fact that some voices on the right in Alberta are raised in outrage won’t hurt the Tories in vote-rich Ontario, in particular. If anything, it’ll help them.

Meanwhile, the Liberals and NDP have lost an excellent club with which both parties would have beaten the Harper gover nment soundly about the head and neck heading into the 2015 election, had the status quo remained in place. As a final touch, Kenney’s move can’t even really be called a climbdown; while under fire in the House of Commons since this story broke in April, he has always avoided defending the program, saying instead that those who abuse it would be punished.

Alongside Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, Transport Minister Lisa Raitt and Industry Minister James Moore, Kenney has long been considered one of the Harper government’s stars. This manoeuvre, following his reforms to the refugee system while sharply increasing his party’s share of the immigrant vote, begins to put him in a class of his own.

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK/ THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Citizenshi­p and Immigratio­n Minister Chris Alexander, left, listens as Employment Minister Jason Kenney speaks in Ottawa on Friday about the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
SEAN KILPATRICK/ THE CANADIAN PRESS Citizenshi­p and Immigratio­n Minister Chris Alexander, left, listens as Employment Minister Jason Kenney speaks in Ottawa on Friday about the Temporary Foreign Worker Program.
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