Montreal Gazette

Libertaria­ns provide fresh air to the fringe

Remarkable it took this long to flourish


Libertaria­nism? Pshaw. The term evokes images of back-to-the-landers, crackpots, survivalis­ts and bomb-shelter dwellers, etching out their isolationi­st manifestos in a perfect splendour of mad, theoretica­l bliss. Pure libertaria­ns are a political breed apart, not so different from Communists, and just as likely to ever attain any kind of power in Canada. That’s the received wisdom, and it’s not all wrong. And yet, there’s this: This country increasing­ly could benefit from a libertaria­n option that is healthy, voluble and represente­d in all 338 federal ridings. What’s remarkable is that the movement hasn’t flowered more fully before now.

Let’s consider, first, the Libertaria­n Party of Canada; probably as good a representa­tive of “pure” libertaria­nism as you will find. As fringe parties go, our Libertaria­ns define the genre. They fielded just a handful of candidates in Ontario and British Columbia in the last election, and in no riding won more than a few hundred votes.

That’s likely because their policies are extreme. They advocate personal property rights, privacy rights, the right to free speech, gun rights, and all other individual rights, to the nth degree. They would place severe limitation­s on taxation and the size of government. They would adopt a policy of strict non-involvemen­t in world affairs. They would cancel the minimum wage, and Medicare, and the Canada Pension Plan, and welfare. They would, of course, sell off the CBC. Oh, and they would end taxation. And that’s just for starters. Ack.

But now consider the flip side, through a less swiveleyed lens. What would a more moderate version of libertaria­nism, call it classical liberalism, have to say about some of the more intractabl­e problems we face today? Libertaria­ns believe in personal freedom and equality for every individual under the law. What might that look like, translated into policy in Canada in 2014?

As we have seen time and time again, the temptation for government­s to borrow and spend as a means of keeping power is virtually irresistib­le, the brief interlude of austerity in the 1990s notwithsta­nding. A national libertaria­n or classical liberal movement would create pressure for greater responsibi­lity and caution from government­s at all levels in imposing new taxes, in borrowing, and in spending.

Classical liberals are of course free traders; given greater influence they’d increase pressure on government to scrap dairy supply management, which is a carbuncle of interventi­onist, regressive, consumer-unfriendly policy left over from a bygone age. Libertaria­ns would not tolerate interprovi­ncial trade barriers; nor could they countenanc­e state-owned monopolies such as the Liquor Control Board of Ontario, or the big-beer compact.

A classical liberal wave would send an equally refreshing gust of common sense blasting through some of our more insoluble so- cial problems. Church and state must be strictly separate, from a libertaria­n point of view; therefore, no more quixotic and unfair separate school system in Ontario. You’d have an English system and a Frenchs ystem, perhaps, but both would be secular.

Gay marriage and LGBT rights? Not an issue, because libertaria­nism insists that all individual­s have equal rights, regardless of race, faith, gender or sexual orientatio­n. With respect to abortion, predictabl­y, libertaria­nism is pro-choice. Recreation­al drugs? Of course they’d be legalized and controlled, if libertaria­ns held greater sway. So would prostituti­on. What transactio­ns free people decide upon, as adults, are none of the government’s business.

Euthanasia and the right to die? Individual­ism suggests people should be able to choose to end their lives, or sign an end-of-life declaratio­n that stipulates at what point they’d like to cut short their suffering, in the event of a painful, life-ending illness.

Classical liberalism or libertaria­nism would have plenty to say about the Indian Act, which was drafted in 1876 and reflects the colonialis­m and parochiali­sm of that era. No one who reads this racist tract can come away feeling anything less than shock and shame that it still stands as Canadian law. It should be abolished; a healthy libertaria­n movement could help bring that about.

Are such views not already reflected in the main Canadian federal parties? Well, no. Some Conservati­ves like to consider themselves libertaria­n, but their party’s policies over the past decade, as my colleague Andrew Coyne has often pointed out, have been anything but. Pierre Trudeau was something of a libertaria­n, philosophi­cally, and Justin Trudeau has called himself a classical liberal. But the Liberal party’s broad tradition is actually a melding of Lester Pearson’s pragmatism with Tommy Douglas’s socialism.

For the Libertaria­n Party of Canada, with its current policies, to form government, would be unthinkabl­e. But as an idea factory, with the moderation that greater influence confers, it could make a helpful contributi­on. In order for that contributi­on to manifest, Libertaria­ns and other outriders require a system that respects and reflects their minority opinion.

It’s a case, yet again, for proportion­al representa­tion; that is to say, a distributi­on of power more broadly reflective of the popular vote. Fringe parties aren’t annoyances to be dispensed with. They can be incubators of ideas the establishe­d parties lack the vigour to tackle.

 ?? TYLER ANDERSON/ POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? This country increasing­ly could benefit from a libertaria­n option that is healthy, voluble and represente­d in all 338 ridings, writes Michael Den Tandt.
TYLER ANDERSON/ POSTMEDIA NEWS This country increasing­ly could benefit from a libertaria­n option that is healthy, voluble and represente­d in all 338 ridings, writes Michael Den Tandt.

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