Montreal Gazette

Bill 3 stacks the deck in favour of municipali­ties


Most of what I have heard from various media sources regarding Bill 3, the Liberal government’s proposed legislatio­n for changes to the pension plans of municipal workers, are misguided opinions based on misinforma­tion, protest fatigue or an increasing sentiment of frustratio­n with unions.

There is very little I can do about the last two factors, but allow me for a moment to shed some light on what I see as misinforma­tion.

Over the years, municipal workers negotiated collective agreements with their employers that involved labour, salaries, pension plans and various details. A gain in one area was usually accompanie­d by a concession in another. Instead of an increase in salary, workers sometimes accepted defined-benefit pension plans or an increase in employer pension contributi­ons. This was thought to be wise.

Some might think definedben­efit plans are way too generous, and they may very well be correct. Nonetheles­s, municipal employees did not steal their pension plans; and they are not “lucky” to have them, as some com- mentaries suggest. These promises were made through negotiatio­ns, where concession­s were made and where legally binding contracts were signed. They were then earned through labour over the years. One cannot simply wish these things away.

Municipali­ties have now unofficial­ly defaulted. Many have made it clear that they are unable to fulfil their contractua­l obligation­s (even Quebec City, which has instead chosen to build an arena for a non-existent NHL franchise). In any case, every municipali­ty has its own realities and there is nothing reasonable about a forced solution by a third party applying in exactly the same way to hundreds of municipali­ties.

In our own daily lives, all Quebecers have been party to a formal contract of some sort. When one party defaults on its obligation­s, the first step is to admit as much and to seek a new deal through negotiatio­n. If this doesn’t work out, the next step is arbitratio­n or a court action.

But the Quebec municipali­ties, led by the duo of Montreal Mayor Denis Coderre and Quebec City Mayor Régis Labeaume, have evidently decided that due process is simply too inconvenie­nt.

They were the first to frame the debate by saying that every municipali­ty faces the same problem, and that the conflict is between the poor and overburden­ed taxpayer versus the spoiled municipal employee.

Then they went running to the Quebec government, which has duly rewarded them with Bill 3.

Contrary to what most pundits are claiming, the coalition of municipal unions is not clamouring “Give us more!” or “Tax the people!” It has done nothing of the sort. The unions get it. They know municipali­ties are unable to fulfil their end of the deal. Shouldn’t both sides, then, now sit down and freely negotiate a new deal together?

In what appears to be a demonstrat­ion of bad faith, municipali­ties arranged to create Bill 3 in order to absolve themselves of due process and have a deal imposed on the municipal level by the provincial government.

Some would claim that this is not so, that the law is reason- able, as it allows for a 12-month period of negotiatio­ns before any imposition. One only needs to look through the veil. How can anyone negotiate freely, and in good faith, when one party has the deck stacked in its favour?

Is it reasonable to allow municipali­ties to ignore due process? Is it reasonable for the government to table legislatio­n like Bill 3 before any negotiatio­ns have even been attempted? Is it reasonable to force a one-size-fits-all solution on hundreds of different municipali­ties with different fiscal realities? Is it reasonable to pit taxpayers against municipal workers? No, it is not reasonable. It is reasonable, however, to demand the right to due process and fair negotiatio­ns.

 ?? Kevin Richard ?? is a municipal police officer with the Régie de police Memphrémag­og, in the Eastern Townships. The opinions expressed are his own, not those of his employer or union.
Kevin Richard is a municipal police officer with the Régie de police Memphrémag­og, in the Eastern Townships. The opinions expressed are his own, not those of his employer or union.

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