Montreal Gazette

Students pay price for cuts: parents, teachers


During her 10 years as a resource teacher, Jane Schipper has worked with hundreds of students with learning disabiliti­es. Some have academic delays and are at risk of failing while others have autism or behavioura­l problems. Throughout her career, Schipper has written dozens of individual education plans for at-risk students so they can get extra help from resource teachers, special education teachers, speech therapists and other profession­als in the school system.

So when Schipper learned that the Quebec government is proposing to abolish codes, meaning they would no longer consider whether a child has a learning disability when calculatin­g class sizes, she was horrified. If the codes disappear, support services to some of the most needy students will also disappear, teachers fear.

“When I think about how this will affect the kids, it makes me sick,” said Schipper, who teaches at St-Johns High School in StJean-sur-Richelieu, but has been on a medical leave this fall. “There are some really disruptive students and you will have no one to remove them or keep them calm and quiet. Many autistic students can’t function in a large class.”

Teachers across the province have started walking off the job in a series of rotating strikes to oppose the proposed changes to coding and larger class sizes. But teachers in some school boards say ongoing cuts to education specialist­s’ hours are already being felt in schools this year and at risk students aren’t getting as much help as they did in the past.

This school year, Schipper’s position as a resource teacher in high school was eliminated. When she returns to teach in January, she will only be working as a resource teacher in the adjacent elementary school for 33 per cent of her work week. “In a class of 30 students, 10 could be at risk and need extra help,” she said.

Teachers aren’t the only ones sounding the alarm about cuts to services this year.

The Quebec Associatio­n of Speech Language Pathologis­ts and Audiologis­ts says the equivalent of 250 profession­als’ positions have been cut in Quebec schools this year.

Marie-Claude Rousseau, the associatio­n’s outgoing president, said budget cuts at school boards mean some speech therapists are working fewer days or have had their hours reduced.

“I have 12 fewer days in my school this year,” Rousseau said. “The cuts are affecting students already.” The associatio­n consulted its members this year to gauge how cuts were affecting services and several speech therapists reported that some school boards are not replacing maternity leaves and are reducing the number of days and hours worked. “I wish the government would see education as an investment, not an expense,” one member wrote. “A student in need is at risk of failing if he doesn’t get the help he needs.”

Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard said last week that there have been no budget cuts this year for students with learning difficulti­es. The $2.3 billion budget Quebec allocates to school boards for disabled students and those with learning difficulti­es remained the same in 2015-2016, said Julie White, a press attaché for Education Minister François Blais.

While the global budget for special needs students may not have been cut, educators and administra­tors say ongoing cuts to school boards — Quebec has cut funding to the provinces’s 72 school boards by about $1 billion over the past five years — has resulted in fewer services to at risk students, especially in school boards that are running large deficits.

White said school boards have had “to make choices” about what services they offer to students.

At the Commission scolaire de Montréal, 68 profession­als, 30 of whom provided direct support to teachers, have been let go this year as the board tries to reduce its $11.5 million deficit.

The CSDM hasn’t cut any positions of education specialist­s who work directly with children with learning difficulti­es this year.

However, the board must cut $42 million from its budget over the next two years and board president Catherine Harel Bourdon said services to students will be affected. About one-quarter of CSDM primary school students are physically or learning disabled in some way. By the time the CSDM balances its budget in two years, it will have cut $100 million from its budget over the past five years, she said.

Carolina Widmer has two sons who are dyslexic and who have benefitted from extra help at Schipper’s school in the Riverside School Board. Last year, a special needs teacher worked with Widmer’s 14-year-old son, who also has learning difficulti­es and a mild form of ADHD, for about six hours each week. She helped him organize his homework and improve his writing. But the teacher has left the school this year and Widmer said she is worried her son won’t get the help he needs this year or in the future, if cuts continue.

“Sometimes, I get so frustrated,” she said.

“This is their future and they’re cutting and cutting.”

 ?? CHRISTINNE MUSCHI/MONTREAL GAZETTE ?? Teachers and parents speak out against cuts that they say are hurting students with learning difficulti­es.
CHRISTINNE MUSCHI/MONTREAL GAZETTE Teachers and parents speak out against cuts that they say are hurting students with learning difficulti­es.

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