Montreal Gazette

Military called in to help counter attacks

Eight Israelis have died from stabbings, shootings and stoning


The Israeli military began deploying hundreds of troops in cities across the country on Wednesday to assist police in countering a wave of deadly Palestinia­n shootings and stabbings that have created panic across the country.

The military’s planned deployment of six companies marks the implementa­tion of the first of several measures by Israel’s security cabinet to counter the attacks, which have intensifie­d dramatical­ly in recent days.

The cabinet met late into the night and announced steps early Wednesday that included allowing police to seal off points of friction or incitement.

Many of the recent attackers have come from Arab areas of Jerusalem, prompting calls to seal off those neighbourh­oods to contain potential attackers. In a new step, Israeli forces placed makeshift checkpoint­s in Palestinia­n neighbourh­oods in Jerusalem to monitor traffic leaving the areas.

The cabinet, which was meeting again Wednesday, also decided to strip residency rights and demolish homes of some attackers and draft hundreds more security guards to secure public transport.

Israeli police said 300 soldiers had already been incorporat­ed into their deployment in Israeli cities, while security in Jerusalem had previously been reinforced.

In new violence Wednesday, Israeli police said an Arab attacker stabbed a 70-year-old woman, moderately wounding her, as she attempted to board a bus near Jerusalem’s crowded central bus station. The attacker was shot and killed by forces in the area, police said. Earlier, police said they shot and killed an Arab man after he pulled out a knife and attempted to stab them. His identity was not immediatel­y known.

In the United States on Wednesday, officials said Secretary of State John Kerry plans to travel to the Middle East soon in a bid to ease the deadly violence.

The White House and State Department said details of the trip are not yet determined but could come together quickly. Kerry is due to travel to Europe this weekend on a previously scheduled trip.

Officials familiar with the planning said Kerry would like to meet separately with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinia­n President Mahmoud Abbas in the Jordanian capital of Amman. No three-way meeting is envisioned.

In recent weeks, eight Israelis have died in the string of stabbings, shootings and the stoning of a car, while 31 Palestinia­ns have been killed — 14 of them identified by Israel as attackers, the rest killed in stone-throwing clashes with Israeli forces.

Israel’s internal security minister said Wednesday that the bodies of dead Palestinia­n attackers would not be returned to their families for burial.

Gilad Erdan said the funeral procession­s of Palestinia­ns who killed Israelis often turn into “an exhibition of support for terror and incitement to murder.” He said Israel should not allow them to “enjoy respect and ceremonies” after their deaths.

 ?? ILIA YEFIMOVICH/GETTY IMAGES ?? The mother of Alon Govberg mourns at his funeral in Jerusalem. Govberg, 51, was killed the day before in an attack on a Jerusalem bus.
ILIA YEFIMOVICH/GETTY IMAGES The mother of Alon Govberg mourns at his funeral in Jerusalem. Govberg, 51, was killed the day before in an attack on a Jerusalem bus.

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