Montreal Gazette

Kicking it old ghoul: Film littered with monsters from book series


If you’re a true Goosebumps fan, you have a favourite monster. Even author R.L. Stine does. He has a thing for King Jellyjam from The Horror at Camp Jellyjam, although his royal smelliness didn’t make it into the film.

The movie’s teen headliners have their preference­s, too, which made the cut. Dylan Minnette likes the Lawn Gnomes from Revenge of the Gnomes. Ryan Lee is partial to the giant Praying Mantis, star of A Shocker on Shock Street. Odeya Rush favours the crazy-eyed poodle from Please Don’t Feed the Vampire.

Here is our Goosebumps movie ghoul list in order of film freakiness with Slappy, the dummy, topping the spooky hit parade after introducin­g himself in The Night of the Living Dummy.

The Evil Clown from When the Ghost Dog Howls Vampires from Vampire Breath Snake Lady from Escape from the Carnival of Horrors

Bog Monster from You Can’t Scare Me!

The Executione­r from A Night in Terror Tower

Poodle from Please Don’t Feed the Vampire

The Haunted Mask from The Girl with the Haunted Mask

Cronby the cave troll from Deep in the Jungle of Doom

Praying Mantis, A Shocker on Shock Street

The Ghouls from Attack of the Graveyard Ghouls

Egyptian Princess from Return of the Mummy

The Witch Doctor from Deep in the Jungle of Doom

Madam Doom from Help! We Have Strange Powers!

The Pirate from Creep from the Deep

The Creeps from Calling All Creeps

The Abominable Snowman of Pasadena

Scarecrows from The Scarecrow Walks at Midnight

Jack O’Lantern from Attack of the Jack O’Lanterns

The Mummy from Return of the Mummy

The Werewolf from Werewolf of Fever Swamp

The Gnomes from Revenge of the Gnomes

The Blob from The Blob That Ate Everyone

Toy Robots from Toy-Terror: Batteries Included

 ??  ?? When creatures from R.L. Stine Goosebumps series come to life, including the Vampire Poodle, it’s up to Stine and Co. to save the day.
When creatures from R.L. Stine Goosebumps series come to life, including the Vampire Poodle, it’s up to Stine and Co. to save the day.
PHOTOS: ?? Slappy in Goosebumps.

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