Montreal Gazette


National Post columnist John Ivison is travelling across Canada to chronicle how election battles are unfolding by region. Today, he writes from Vancouver on what he has learned along the way


VANCOUVER For the last month I’ve been travelling across Canada covering the 42nd general election, touching down in seven provinces, campaignin­g in 22 ridings, talking with 45 candidates from Peggy’s Cove in Nova Scotia to Lonsdale Quay in North Vancouver.

What have I learned? I think we will find that this election, which was meant to be about the economy, was not really about the economy. It was about how Canadians want to be governed and the kind of country they want it to become.

Three out of four people told pollsters before the election that they wanted a change in Ottawa. That does not always mean the government of the day is turned out on its ear — during the campaign, voters take a long look at the alternativ­es and what change actually means. But in this case, it appears Canadians have decided to buy what Justin Trudeau is selling.

The Liberal leader has blamed Stephen Harper for an economy with the worst growth rates since R. B. Bennett in the dirty 1930s, as if we’re on the brink of hitching horses to our SUVs, for want of gas money.

The reality is, most Canadians have never had it so good.

Median after- tax incomes have hit all time highs in recent years. I was in Halifax, where there are 15,000 new jobs at the Irving Shipyard; Waterloo, Ont., where there is a tech boom, despite the woes faced by BlackBerry; and Winnipeg, which is attracting 16,000 new immigrants every year and is thriving, despite its pockets of abject poverty. Vancouver’s economy is growing at 3.5 per cent a year and is attracting world class high- tech investment­s from companies like Sony Pictures Imageworks, Amazon and Microsoft. In our biggest cities, the most pressing problems are related to growth — gridlock and soaring house prices.

If this election were about the economy, most voters would have decided to stick with the party that has provided mostly competent economic stewardshi­p for the past decade.

If this election were about the economy, Harper would not have felt compelled to veer worryingly close to invoking fear of the other, as he played identity politics with the niqab.

It’s an odd quirk of Canadian elections that voters often get what they want collective­ly, as if they’re part of some electoral mind hive. In 2004, the electorate wanted to slap the Liberals for the sponsorshi­p scandal but wasn’t ready for Stephen Harper; by 2006, voters wanted change but wanted the Conservati­ves kept on a leash; by 2011, they were fed up of elections and so Harper was handed a majority. My sense is Canadians want a change of government but remain wary of handing Trudeau too much power, lest the Conservati­ve attack ads prove prescient.

What can be said with confidence is the Liberals have run a Teflon campaign, to which nothing much has stuck. Apart from the lastminute resignatio­n of the Liberal campaign co- chair, Dan Gagnier, for advising TransCanad­a how to lobby a new government, the Grits have shrugged off their opponents’ attacks with Gallic insoucianc­e.

A $ 6.5- billion funding shortfall to be solved by making further cuts in government spending ? “Pah!” A host of unfunded promises like the implementa­tion of all 94 recommenda­tions in the Truth and Reconcilia­tion report? “Details, details.” Raising rates on the upper tax bracket so that marginal tax rates in most Canadian provinces are pushed over 50 per cent? “Not my problem.” Payroll tax increases that will cost Canadian workers and employers billions of dollars? “I laugh in your general direction.”

Campaigns that have the aura of victory sail through such choppy waters. I didn’t hear one voter ask a Liberal candidate about government cuts or payroll tax hikes. As Peggy Nash, the NDP candidate in Parkdale High Park, said with frustratio­n: “Somehow, it’s not punching through.”

The Liberals were also very slick in portraying their infrastruc­ture package as transforma­tive — a panacea to the frustratio­ns of congestion. To the uninitiate­d on the doorsteps, it sounded as if the Conservati­ves are spending nothing on roads and bridges and that both they and the NDP are happy to let Canada’s cities grind to a halt like a rusted clock.

The reality is the Liberals will spend $ 10 billion on infrastruc­ture, compared to $ 5 billion for the Conservati­ves and $ 6.8 billion for the NDP. But, of that extra $ 5 billion, only $ 1.7 billion is for roads, bridges and transit. It’s hardly transforma­tive.

Yet, election campaigns are not about reality — they’re about peddling a truthy mix of policies aimed at solving all that ails the electorate.

The platform outflanked the NDP on social policy, and undercut the Conservati­ves on taxes — the Grits claim nine out of 10 families will receive more in monthly child benefit payments. It proved a compelling package for candidates to sell at the door and energized a large volunteer base.

The Liberal leader performed more capably than many had sup- posed in the debates. Even when forced to defend his party’s position on the campaign against ISIL, he avoided stepping in it. Too late the Conservati­ves tried to downplay expectatio­ns by saying he’d win points just for coming on stage with his pants on. In the event, not only did he remember his pants, he was in command of his briefs.

Concerns about his qualificat­ions for being prime minister remain but many people seemed re- assured by the team being assembled — men and women who have already achieved something in their lives.

The combinatio­n of a comprehens­ive platform, a solid team of candidates and a leader who, contrary to expectatio­ns, could walk and chew gum at the same time appears, with two days to go, to have been enough to convince Canadians to let the Liberals out of the penalty box.

If they do, the New Democrats will rue the decision to balance the budget, a move that reined in some of their wilder spending plans. The platform, when it emerged, ran to 101 promises, with most major spending back- end loaded. Money was sprinkled hither and thither on things like the creation of a new Parliament­ary Science Officer but nothing, not even a universal prescripti­on drug plan, caught the public’s imaginatio­n. The flagship childcare policy was undermined early by the apparent reluctance of a number of provinces to commit to jointly fund the plan.

New Democrats on the doorsteps complained about the lack of environmen­tal spending, a massive part of the 2011 platform that was funded by carbon pricing. Others said they didn’t like the party’s position on the Senate or on the Clarity Act.

The decision to balance the books appeared prudent for about a day — then, once the Liberals had committed to deficit spending, it began to look timid. Liberal candidates like Kent Hehr in Calgary said they started to see undecided progressiv­e voters drift into the Liberal camp at this point. In the end, the public shrugged and said: “What the hell …”

Megan Leslie, the NDP candidate in Halifax, summed up the problem with the NDP plan, perhaps inadverten­tly, in an all- candidates’ debate. “It may not be sexy but it’s good governance,” she said.

Canadians, it seems, wanted something a bit more seductive than good governance.

As for the Conservati­ves, they might have expected some gratitude for balancing the books and cutting taxes. Yet from Day 1 of this tour in Halifax, it was clear that the governing party would get little credit for bringing thousands of well- paid shipbuildi­ng jobs to the city. Everywhere I went — Halifax, Brampton, Ont., Mississaug­a, Ont., Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver — voters told rivals camps they had voted for Harper in the past but never again. One Conservati­ve described the likely outcome in Canada’s largest province as “an Ontario bloodbath.”

In the dying days of the campaign, Harper has done everything bar lighting the beacons of Gondor to summon aid for a cause that looks forlorn. He may yet sneak a victory. The Conservati­ves will get out their voters, unmotivate­d as they are; the Liberals and New Democrats will have to hope that younger voters are more committed than the downtown Toronto student who told a candidate: “If I remember the date, I’ll vote for you.”

There is a power in incumbency that is much underestim­ated; and the Conservati­ves have undoubtedl­y spent more than their rivals.

But it would be a Pyrrhic victory and, in all likelihood, would not be allowed to stand by opponents who would bring down a Conservati­ve minority government on its Throne Speech.

The more probable outcome is a resounding rejection of Stephen Harper and all his works. From coast to coast, the anger at his distinctiv­e brand of command and control democracy was palpable. Normally polite Canadians would go out of their way to be rude to Conservati­ve candidates.

All things must pass, not least government­s in modern democracie­s. It feels very much as if Canadians have decided to call time on the Conservati­ves and opt for a party that is promising a more consensual style of governing.

Why? As one resigned supporter put it: “This is what happens when you’re mean to so many people for so long.”

Election campaigns are not about reality — they’re about peddling a truthy mix of policies aimed at solving all that ails the electorate.

 ?? PAU L C H I A S S O N / T H E C A NA D I A N P R E S S ?? Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau stops for a photo with supporters Friday in Brampton, Ont. Many Canadians have told pollsters they want change in Ottawa, and it appears some are prepared to buy what Trudeau is selling, writes John Ivison.
PAU L C H I A S S O N / T H E C A NA D I A N P R E S S Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau stops for a photo with supporters Friday in Brampton, Ont. Many Canadians have told pollsters they want change in Ottawa, and it appears some are prepared to buy what Trudeau is selling, writes John Ivison.

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