Montreal Gazette

One- liners eclipse the big questions

It's a shame that U. S.- style attack ads have made their way north, Chris Nelson says.

- Chris Nelson is a Calgary writer. Calgary Herald

Canadians can rarely be accused of smugness, but there are occasions when we can’t help but feel a sense of selfaggran­dizement in comparison to our cousins south of the border.

There we were, a motley bunch of hacks from across Canada, getting a tour, courtesy of the U. S. State Department, to study several close races during the 2004 presidenti­al battle between incumbent George W. Bush and challenger John Kerry.

One of the tightest contests, a few weeks out from the November vote, was in Ohio, so we were herded into a community college in Columbus to get the views of the young folk who’d soon get a chance to exercise their democratic right.

This was during the early years of the Iraqi and Afghanista­n wars, and many in that assembled collegiate crowd had relatives and friends fighting in those awful conflicts. Yet, the standard of debate and the depth of thought among those present were shockingly thin.

It was best summed up by one young woman who declared: “I guess I’ll watch the ads in the last week and then decide.”

Being polite Canadians, we didn’t roll our eyes nor shake our heads, but later, safely back on the bus, the general feeling of superiorit­y was evident. We might not be a world power but, for heaven’s sake, at least us Canucks can think for ourselves and not rely on TV advertisin­g for our opinions at such an important time.

Well, that was then and not now.

Things have changed, and not in a good way. It’s been a gradual slide for many an election, but this current contest has seen that descent into American- style attack ads accelerate to such an extent that sound bites and simplistic character assassinat­ions have become the very foundation of each and every party ’s campaign strategy.

Of course, the Conservati­ves, Liberals and NDP wouldn’t waste their money if such tactics didn’t work.

The Tories got the ball rolling with their brutally effective “he’s just not ready” attack ads on Justin Trudeau. However, such was the impact, that the Grits had to respond and they managed to turn the tide with Trudeau going down an escalator while prattling on about people not getting ahead under the Conservati­ves.

The NDP then jumped into the fray with ads going after Trudeau for accepting speaking fees while serving as an MP. More simplistic volleys followed from every quarter, and with the race going down to the wire, the airwaves and social media sites will be chocker- block with character assassinat­ions in the final days to come.

Now the shifts in voting intentions these ads affect are being tracked in an ongoing series of surveys by Innovative Research Group, and that polling shows many people are being swayed by those 30or 60- second clips.

Meanwhile, this country is beset with huge questions about our future. How do we balance worries about climate change with an economy so reliant upon exploiting natural resources? What does the recently agreed upon Trans- Pacific Partnershi­p trade deal mean, and why are we pledging billions to protect dairy farmers from its effects? What about our ability to ensure the sovereignt­y of our Arctic waters given the expansioni­st character of today’s Russia?

As this is easily the longest election campaign in modern Canadian history, we might have hoped these hugely important issues would be given an in- depth airing.

But no — instead, we get one- liners such as “nice hair though.”

It’s taken us a few years, but we’ve have followed in the ragged footsteps of the U. S. Oh well, there’s still a few more days to make up our minds before Monday’s vote. Now where’s that TV remote?

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