Montreal Gazette



Birthday Gal: Actress Freida Pinto was born in Bombay, India on this date in 1984. This birthday gal drew critical acclaim in her debut performanc­e as Latika in the 2008 Oscar- winning film “Slumdog Millionair­e.” Her other film work includes “Knight of Cups,” “Rise of the Planet of The Apes,” and “You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger.” A former model, Pinto will next star in the upcoming epic “Jungle Book: Origins” in 2017.

Aries ( Mar 21- Apr. 19): Enthusiasm will be contagious. If you approach a project with a bit of gusto you’ll soon find that others are eager to help out. Reconnecti­ng with an old friend may lead you to recall the reason why you haven’t seen them for so long.

Taurus ( Apr. 20- May 20): The busy bee may miss an opportunit­y. Keep your schedule flexible as you may be the recipient of a rare offer. Focus your free time on family and friends in the early part of the week.

Gemini ( May 21- June 20): Let it slide. You are unlikely to resolve difficulti­es or disputes so it may be best just to look the other way until later in the week. Home and family should receive your total and complete attention.

Cancer ( June 21- July 22): Turn off and tune out. Find a private place to take it easy and recharge your batteries and let the world’s problems fade this week. Don’t get bent out of shape over a loved one’s careless choice of words.

Leo ( July 23- Aug. 22): Show restraint. Giving into a whim could prove costly or a companion’s inability to make up their mind could test your patience. During the upcoming week focus on being the consummate profession­al.

Virgo ( Aug. 23- Sept. 22): Don’t rush to judgment. There may be a tendency for you to think the worst of someone before all the facts are revealed. Bide your time when making decisions regarding love or long term relationsh­ips this week.

Libra ( Sept. 23- Oct. 22.): You don’t need the drama. Your light- hearted mood could quickly change when you are drawn into the petty squabbles in the week ahead. Maintain happy thoughts by avoiding those who rain on your parade.

Scorpio ( Oct. 23- Nov. 21): Stall for time. When faced with tough decisions you may need more data to make the right choice. Reap the benefits of all hard work and look for ways to strengthen your financial security.

Sagittariu­s ( Nov. 22- Dec. 21): Ideas need time to grow. The plan running through your mind may just be an acorn right now but by the end of the week could sprout into a mighty oak. You’ll fare better using your mind rather than your body.

Capricorn ( Dec. 22- Jan. 19): Avoid dwelling in the past. Nostalgia may drum up long lost memories that remind you just how bad the good old days really were. Put important decisions off until next week when your judgment improves.

Aquarius ( Jan. 20- Feb. 18): Don’t beat around the bush. You won’t be able to charm someone into having your way. You’ll have to lay out a solid case. Don’t expect others to read between the lines. Say exactly what you mean.

Pisces ( Feb. 19- Mar. 20): Some things just aren’t meant to be. Times change and certain ambitions you may have had may no longer be viable. Reassess long term goals and keep objectives realistic rather than grasping at pipe dreams.

If October 18 is your birthday: Enjoy better health and emotional serenity throughout the next 10 to 12 weeks. This is a good time to revive creative activities or take time off for some rest and relaxation. The first half of January is a good time to make crucial financial and career decisions as your shrewdness is at a high. However, if you want to make a job or career change wait until May and June when others will view you in a better light. That is an excellent time to find the person of your dreams or to make a full- hearted commitment, as well.

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