Montreal Gazette

Count your blessings — it will make you happier

- SUSAN SCHWARTZ sschwartz@montrealga­­rtz

It’s second nature for many of us to focus on what’s wrong, not what’s right. We list our travails instead of remarking on our good fortune. Rather than concentrat­e on what we’re grateful for, we zero in on what bothers us.

“Focusing on our problems, we sometimes overlook our blessings,” writes Rabbi Evan Moffic of the Congregati­on Solel, a Reform congregati­on in suburban Chicago. “Sometimes we need a little push to remind us of our blessings.”

In a May blog post, Rabbi Moffic, who is also a speaker and a writer, cited a wonderful Yiddish tale about a poor man who was living in a one-room house with his wife and six children. Nearing the end of his tether, the man went to the town rabbi for advice. “Rabbi,” the man implored: “There is hardly space to breathe! What should I do?”

The rabbi responded that he knew the man kept a goat behind his house. “Put the goat inside with you,” he instructed him.

The man was surprised at the rabbi’s advice but did not dare ignore it. Within a week, the goat had nibbled away at most of the shabby furniture in the house, and relieved itself all over the place. There was no place for the man to even sit. Desperate, he returned to the rabbi. “Take the goat out of the house,” the rabbi told him.

A week later, the two saw each other in the street: The man was ebullient: The house was roomy and peaceful, he said. “Now that the goat is out, Rabbi, the house feels more spacious than a palace!”

There are variations on the story: In one, the rabbi instructed the man to put the chickens and a cow indoors as well.

In another, his mother lived with the family in the same single room. But the principle is the same: It is about being content with what you have.

In one of my favourite Talmudic proverbs, Ben Zoma asks: “Who is rich?” He answers: “He who is happy with his lot.”

Happiness, he teaches, is measured by our ability to appreciate what we have.

Some people express gratitude through prayer; others find it through contemplat­ion or within themselves. Of late, I have been making a conscious effort to remind myself of all that I have to be grateful for: the legs that carry me as I walk hills or climb stairs. The people who love me. (And I tell them.) The roof that shelters me. Being able to walk around safe and free. “If you were born in Canada, if you live in Canada, you won the lotto,” Canadian comedian and television personalit­y Rick Mercer observed in a blog post having to do with a goat, as it happens. More on that in a minute.

In reminding ourselves to be grateful, we change the way we perceive our lives — and ultimately that can even change our lives.

What we practise, I believe, is who we become. People in the habit of saying negative and bitter things, for instance, stand to become negative and bitter. We have all seen it. We distance ourselves from people like that, isolating them further — and making them ever more bitter. We do it to protect ourselves. I do, at any rate. But those who count their blessings — and there are among these people those who have suffered greatly — are almost always able to be positive and find hope. These people are a blessing to others.

In one of my favourites among the 18 stories that make up the 2006 movie Paris, je t’aime, a man is on the verge of leaving his wife, with whom he says he has grown unhappy, for another woman. And he’s preparing to tell her so, over lunch at a restaurant — when she takes from her purse the papers revealing that she is in the final stages of terminal leukemia.

He looks at the papers, immediatel­y texts the other woman — his message is “oublie-moi” — and from that moment on, devotes himself fully to his wife, lavishing on her all the love and care she could have wished for. “Behaving like a man in love,” the voice-over in the movie said, “he once again became a man in love.”

So much, when you think of it, has to do with perspectiv­e.

That brings me back to Mercer — and to goats. In the runup to the holiday season, he has been doing advertisem­ents on CBC Radio for Plan Canada. For $75, he tells listeners, they can purchase a goat for a family in the developing world. The goat provides milk to nourish children and to be sold at market to provide income for the family. (Less expensive gifts also have great value: At $10, a bed net, for instance, prevents malaria.) Tell the people in your life that you love them “with Plan Canada — and do it with a goat,” Mercer enjoined his readers in a 2013 blog post.

The goat serves a similar function in his tale and in the rabbi’s: reminding us to be grateful for what we have and for those who are dear to us.

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