Montreal Gazette

Portraying a day in the life of a can collector


Evens generally starts his rounds around 5 a.m. when the streets are quiet, scouring the garbage cans and recycling bins of downtown Montreal.

In the summer months, when the pickings are plentiful, he might only work two or three days a week collecting. He can spend six to seven hours collecting hundreds of cans and plastic bottles that he separates into the numerous plastic bags that end up bulging to the point you can’t see his shopping cart.

He doesn’t work nights anymore. Downtown Montreal after midnight is not a safe place for someone like him, he says. Drunken tourists, drunken Canadiens fans, drunken predators in general prowl on city streets, looking for an easy mark on which to vent their violence, to exhibit their manhood.

“You see everything on the streets at that time of night,” he says. Best to stay away.

He has a good place to sleep that is warm and sheltered south of the downtown core. He’s careful not to reveal exactly where it is.

Proper separation of the various types of cans and bottles is important, Evens said, because it speeds the return process at grocery stores. He earns between $20 and $40 a day. It’s not a lot, but food is cheap. Pizza sells for a buck a slice near Concordia. And he knows of several Dumpsters where decent food is regularly tossed.

“Sometimes the packages say they’re beyond their due date by two weeks or so, but they’re still good.”

How Evens, who’s 40 but looks younger, came to be living on the streets is a bit hard to follow, his life story delivered in a rapid, slightly mumbled stream, with many sections oft repeated. It’s a sunny weekday morning, and he seems happy to take the time to talk. Despite the heat, Evens is dressed in clean green jeans, a coat and a wool hat, rolling his way down the de Maisonneuv­e Blvd. bike path near Guy St.

He emigrated from Haiti 21 years ago and lived with his parents in Laval, working at warehouse jobs. Things went wrong at some point. There were problems with his parents that are left unclear, and he ended up on the streets in 2009, staying most of the time at homeless residences such as Accueil Bonneau and Maison du Père. Social workers, doctors and psychologi­sts have been good to him, he said, finding him places to stay and looking after his health, particular­ly his feet, battered from long hours of walking. But a recent run-in with a police officer who was adamant about seeing his immigratio­n papers landed Evens in jail for a few days and has forced him to avoid the shelters and live on the streets these days, he says. He has valid immigratio­n papers, he says, but has to reapply to get them, and for now he feels safer lying low.

The lack of a fixed address means he can’t get his welfare cheques. So he’s stepping up his rate of collection­s. In the winter he’s busier, collecting cans five to six days a week because supplies are fewer and conditions harsher.

He’s hoping to have a more permanent address again by the fall. He won’t stay with his parents because they’re old, he says, and have enough to contend with.

“Get off the f***ing bike path,” a bearded cyclist in his 30s wearing pink shorts and a fitted summer T-shirt yells, veering around the shopping cart. A few metres past, he turns his head to spit: “Why don’t you get a f***ing job.”

Evens doesn’t react, doesn’t even appear to have heard what was said.

Safer that way. Best to keep your head down.

 ?? RENE BRUEMMER ?? Evens has been collecting cans and living on the streets since 2009. He earns $20 to $40 a day.
RENE BRUEMMER Evens has been collecting cans and living on the streets since 2009. He earns $20 to $40 a day.

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