Montreal Gazette

How young is too young to know who you are?

‘I feel like a boy, Mom.’ The growing phenomenon of children, some as young as toddlers, who are changing genders.


Olivia loves Disney’s Frozen princesses, all things sparkly, bright tights and ballet. During her family’s Cuban vacation last summer, she danced in the children’s “mini-disco” before the evening shows, twirling and leaping across the stage. One night, another guest turned to her parents, exclaiming, “Your daughter is the girliest girl I’ve ever seen!” Olivia was born a boy. She “socially transition­ed” from male to female, in nursery school last year. She was four years old.

Today, she attends kindergart­en at a Montreal primary school. Only her teachers and the school board know she is transgende­r, for now.

Olivia (not her real name to protect her identity) is part of a growing phenomenon that is being celebrated but which is also raising strong emotions: more children as young as preschoole­rs are appearing at gender identity clinics across the country, convinced they are of the opposite sex.

As society becomes more accepting of LGBT people — witness a famed Olympian’s male-to-female transition playing out in the glossy pages of celebrity magazines, and trans rights bills and laws mandating gender neutral bathrooms making their way through legislatur­es — families are increasing­ly supporting, not forbidding, their children to live in the gender they feel, and not the one “assigned” at birth.

“We don’t get a lot of demand for ‘Fix my child,’ or ‘Change my child,’ thankfully,” says Dr. Stephen Feder, co-director of the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario’s gender diversity clinic in Ottawa.

But the proliferat­ion of gender clinics and the growing trend to “socially transition” children barely out of toddlerhoo­d are raising some thorny questions, among them: how can a four- or fiveyear-old possibly know their gender at such a young age?

When is too young to begin the changeover?

Doctors say they are seeing a slow, but steady increase in referrals for children as young as three and four displaying “gender nonconform­ing behaviours.” These run a spectrum, from boys dressing in stereotypi­cal “girlish” clothes, or sometimes even pretending not to have a penis by pushing it between their legs, to “gender dysphoria” — psychiatry’s label for the distress that may accompany the “incongruen­ce” or mismatch between “one’s experience­d or expressed gender and one’s assigned gender.”

“I’ve had children say, ‘God made a mistake,’ or ‘When will my penis fall off,’ or ‘When will I grow a penis,’ ” says Feder.

He and others in his field were outraged when two Alberta family court judges, in a bitter custody dispute involving a five-year-old in Medicine Hat, ruled the child, born male, could not wear girls’ clothes in public.

Experts called the restrictio­n (later lifted by a third judge on the advice of a court-appointed child psychologi­st, according to the child’s mother) ludicrous and potentiall­y dangerous. Many said it smacked of prejudice and want to outlaw, as Ontario has already done, “reparative,” or “conversion” therapies that posit there’s a certain plasticity, or malleabili­ty to a child’s brain so that the right interventi­on could somehow cure them of their gender nonconform­ity. In other words, don’t let a boy play with Barbie or wear sparkly eyeshadow, and there’s a good chance his brain will respond and revert to identifyin­g with his anatomical sex.

Groups such as the Canadian Paediatric Society have denounced that approach as unethical.

Still, the issue of persistenc­e is a minefield. One widely quoted study, coauthored by Dr. Kenneth Zucker, reported 80 per cent of children treated for gender dysphoria are no longer so by high school. They grew to accept the gender they were “assigned” at birth.

The controvers­ial psychologi­st and sexologist was ousted from his 30-year directorsh­ip of the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s gender identity services after an external review concluded not all his practices, according to CAMH, were “in step with the latest thinking.”

Critics say the study didn’t distinguis­h between children with “consistent, persistent and insistent” gender dysphoria (a diagnostic criterion) and boys who just liked to play with dolls or girls who acted more masculine, but were never truly trans to begin with.

Feder argues treatment of the child shouldn’t be sidetracke­d by any “statistica­l prediction­s.”

“It is probably safe to say that those who are most entrenched in gender expression that is different from their assigned gender are most likely to identify as trans after puberty.”

The research, however, is sparse. Doctors aren’t aware of any cause. There’s some speculatio­n about exposure to hormones in the womb, but Feder and others say what’s clear is that transgende­r isn’t an “acquired phenomenon,” or the result of exposure to a particular experience or abuse. “It’s part of their biology,” he says. “Why their biology turns out in that way I don’t think that’s known.”

Sydney Webster’s hair used to be long, though it was never loose but always braided or in a ponytail. Whenever people would say, “You’re such a princess,” it seemed to bother Sydney.

As a toddler, Sydney had a drawer full of dresses and skirts — none ever worn. Sydney liked wrestling and playing with boys, cars and trucks. Mother Angie Webster couldn’t put her finger on it, but says she always sensed her only child felt somehow lost.

This past spring when he was six, Sydney told Angie, “I feel like a boy, Mom.”

“I said, ‘So you like to play with boys, and things boys would typically like to play with.’ And he said, ‘No Mom, I feel like a boy.’ ”

Sydney asked to have his head shaved. When Angie and her husband, Cole, a geologist, agreed to have it cut short and scrubby first, not entirely bald, “the look of confidence on his face, he was just so happy.”

He asked to start using male washrooms (which he did). He asked his parents not to correct others when they called him a boy. Then, in September, “he told us he wanted us to use male pronouns,” Angie says. Sydney (his birth name) returned to school for second grade as a boy.

The family says it has received overwhelmi­ng support from the school and the Calgary Board of Education, which this year strengthen­ed and entrenched rules on gender diversity under Alberta’s Bill 10.

“Until he told me, ‘I feel like a boy,’ I could sense he was searching for something,” or somewhere in the spectrum in between?”

Spack says it’s normal for children to act in a “crossgende­r play and way.” However, by puberty — 10 to 12 for girls, 12 to 14 for boys — a child who is still convinced “they are in absolutely the wrong body is almost certain to be transgende­r and is extremely unlikely to change those feelings no matter how anybody tries reparative therapy or any other noxious things,” Spack says.

Doctors argue using puberty


Angie said. “I’ve never really been someone who, you know, when you hold your baby and imagine their life and imagine them getting married. I’ve always just loved Sydney. Sydney is just Sydney to me.”

Sydney has told his parents he doesn’t want to go through puberty as female. “He wants to have a beard; he wants to experience being like a man, fully, physically,” his mother says.

“For now, Syd is able to just enjoying being a kid. It’s all very innocent. But I know in the future, as Sydney approaches puberty, he, and we, will have some important grown-up decisions to make.”

What at birth defines our gender? It’s not our “externals,” says Dr. Norman Spack, co-director of the Gender Management Service program at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Gender is different from anatomic sex, and from sexual orientatio­n. It describes our self-concept, Spack said in a 2014 TED talk. “Do you see yourself as male or female blockers gives children time to explore their gender identity, without the trauma of watching their bodies evolve into the “wrong” sex. Feder describes trans boys (female to male) who wanted to cut their breasts off, or who bound them with tensor bandages.

But others argue gender isn’t fully formed until a child goes through puberty. Ethicists, as well, question when are children mature enough to provide informed consent, or fully appreciate what it is they are agreeing to, not just puberty blockers that can affect bone density, but later, cross-sex hormones — estrogen so the trans girl develops a more rounded figure, testostero­ne to give trans boys a more angular jaw and masculine physique. What happens if they begin medically transition­ing and change their minds? How far do we intervene with a young child?

“We don’t have a lot of data that say, if we do this, stop puberty, are you happy later on,” says bioethicis­t Arthur Caplan. “It’s one thing to be respectful of what an adult chooses to do.

“But when you’re dealing with a young kid, it’s really murky.”

Others such as the University of Washington’s Kristina Olson insist that the only interventi­on being made with the youngest children is a non-medical and entirely reversible one — a social transition.

A newly published study by Olson and colleagues tracking American and Canadian transgende­r children report those who socially transition­ed have no higher rates of depression than their non-trans siblings, or a group of age and gendermatc­hed “controls,” and only slightly higher rates of anxiety, a finding that is in stark contrast to other studies showing higher rates of depression, anxiety, suicidal thinking and self-harm among teens and young adults prevented from social transition­ing when they were younger.

Those who work with transgende­r children argue parents aren’t being pushed into socially transition­ing every child who isn’t conforming to cultural gender norms.

Even with the Medicine Hat case, “I think there’s an assumption that because this child wished to express their gender in a certain way that automatica­lly meant that the kid was going to be transgende­r later on. That may or may not be the case,” says Dr. Joey Bonifacio, a Toronto pediatrici­an and adolescent medicine specialist.

However, “if a child is presenting at age three, four or five there probably is something that is biological that we haven’t yet found.”

Olivia’s mother is a university economics professor, her father a project leader in materials science. They view the world through a scientific lens, so when Olivia kept announcing, beginning at age two, “When I grow up, I will be a girl,” they tried to rule out the variables. When she hung shirts on her head and down her back to pretend she had long hair, was it all just innocent make-believe? When she pulled skirts out of the daycare dress-up box and almost only ever played with the girls, was it because some of the boys were so rough?

“We thought, maybe he can’t find his place,” Olivia’s father says. So they switched daycares. “The same thing happened.”

Her parents turned to the gender variance clinic at Montreal Children’s Hospital, where they were encouraged to “open her horizons,” her father remembers. They bought dresses and skirts. This year, Olivia switched to a feminine name and using the feminine pronouns she and her. Recently, her parents, under Quebec’s Bill 103, changed her birth name and gender on her birth certificat­e. She feels, and “presents” herself to others as a girl, and her parents are raising her accordingl­y.

Olivia’s transition hasn’t been easy. At the daycare where she transition­ed, the teachers refused for weeks to call her by her chosen female name. “They let the other children make comments — ‘You’re not a real girl,’ ‘You have a boy face,’ without understand­ing these comments are a form of intimidati­on, affecting Olivia’s self-esteem,” her mother says.

She thinks parents are judged more when a child transition­s at such a young age. “We received many looks that implicitly said, ‘They’re messing up their boy by letting him wear girl clothes and believe he is a girl. What freaks, what are they thinking? Did they want a girl? Or aren’t they able to tell their boy that he is and should act as a boy?’ “

Gender isn’t binary, Olivia’s father argues. “Later on she may continue to be a girl, or she may be more fluid or androgynou­s. We don’t know yet.”

“So things are more complicate­d than, ‘We understand. She’s a girl forever.’ ”

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 ?? TODD KOROL FOR NATIONAL POST ?? Angie Webster, right, and her husband Cole, left, are parents to Sydney, 7. Sydney was born female, but identifies as a boy and socially transition­ed before starting the second grade. The family says it has received strong support from the school and...
TODD KOROL FOR NATIONAL POST Angie Webster, right, and her husband Cole, left, are parents to Sydney, 7. Sydney was born female, but identifies as a boy and socially transition­ed before starting the second grade. The family says it has received strong support from the school and...

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