Montreal Gazette



This warming, hearty, soft polenta dish can be repurposed the next day if there are any leftovers. Simply pour the polenta into a baking dish and smooth over. The next day, the polenta will be set and firm so you can cut them into small squares or rectangles, and grill or fry them and eat them like crostini, perhaps topped with some sugo toscano (meat sauce). This is almost a reason in itself to make a larger batch so you are sure to have leftovers.

Makes: 4 servings 1 small onion, finely chopped ½ carrot, finely chopped ½ celery stalk, finely chopped 1 garlic clove, finely chopped 2 tbsp (30 mL) extra-virgin olive oil 1½ oz (40 g) pancetta, roughly chopped 1 bunch (about 9 oz/250 g) Tuscan black kale, veins and stems removed and leaves roughly chopped 1 tbsp (15 mL) tomato paste 4 cups (1 L) of vegetable stock (if using tinned beans) 10½ oz (300 g) drained, cooked cannellini (or lima) beans, either homemade or tinned 6½ oz (185 g) polenta Extra-virgin olive oil, to serve 1. Gently cook the onion, carrot, celery and garlic in the olive oil over a low heat until soft and translucen­t, about 10 minutes. Add the pancetta, cook for a further 2-3 minutes, then add the kale, tomato paste and stock (if using tinned beans). Traditiona­lly, you would use the liquid leftover from stewing the dried beans, which is thick and very flavourful, so use this if you have it, but stock or water can take its place.

2. Simmer, covered, over low heat for 15-20 minutes, or until the kale is tender. Then add the drained beans and the polenta, and stir until combined. Simmer, uncovered, for about 40 minutes, stirring occasional­ly, until the polenta is cooked (it should feel creamy in the mouth, not grainy). Add water if it gets thicker than a porridge (oatmeal) consistenc­y.

3. Season with salt and pepper and serve in bowls with a drizzle of olive oil.

 ??  ?? Polenta with Tuscan kale “is a nice alternativ­e if somebody can’t eat bread. It’s made with polenta so it’s gluten free,” writes Emiko Davies.
Polenta with Tuscan kale “is a nice alternativ­e if somebody can’t eat bread. It’s made with polenta so it’s gluten free,” writes Emiko Davies.

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