Montreal Gazette



Birthday Gal:

Actress Elizabeth Debicki was born in Paris, France on this day in 1990. This birthday gal has starred in such movies as “Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2,” “The Man from U.N.C.L.E.”, and “The Great Gatsby.” She co-starred as Jed Marshall in the acclaimed British mini-series “The Night Manager” and played Dr. Anna Macy on the Aussie series “The Kettering Incident.”

Aries (Mar21-Apr.19):

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. In an effort to get ahead, you may inadverten­tly pile more tasks on your schedule than you are capable of handling.

Taurus (Apr.20-May20):

Go through the motions. Do what is asked of you, but avoid trying to add your personal flair or extra complicati­ons to a basic project. Hold off on making any changes as the situation is likely to be different in a day or so.

Gemini (May21-June20):

Talk things over. A frank discussion with a close friend or loved one may yield a treasure trove of informatio­n to help your understand­ing. Remain cautious when dealing with people you don’t know very well.

Cancer (June21-July22):

Good things come to those who wait. Financial turbulence may have you ready to take decisive action, but it would be wise to bide your time before doing anything. The answer to a difficult problem will eventually reveal itself.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22):

Making waves could get you in over your head. Resist the urge to react immediatel­y to a situation since the condition is likely to be temporary. You may want to pass up a bargain now as a better deal waits in the near future.

Virgo (Aug.23-Sept.22):

There are no shortcuts. The only way to resolve an issue is to gather all facts available and make an informed decision based on that data. Avoid those people with whom differing opinions always seem to turn into an argument.

Libra (Sept.23-Oct. 22.):

Make a gesture of good faith. You may not completely resolve the issue, but making an attempt to reconcile with someone could put you on the right track. The odds will be more in your favor tomorrow.

Scorpio (Oct. 23- Nov. 21):

The only affairs you need concern yourself with are your own. Getting drawn into someone else’s drama will only waste your time and leave you behind schedule.

Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22- Dec. 21):

Look good by comparison. You may be seen in a favorable light simply by avoiding the latest controvers­y that has everyone else at odds. It could be difficult to get others to cooperate or to grant favors today.

Capricorn (Dec. 22- Jan. 19):

It’s not the end of the world. Making a mistake is not the most pleasant thing, but there’s no reason to go to pieces over it. Simply try to correct the error and remember the experience.

Aquarius (Jan.20-Feb. 18):

Find a happy place. Tension or negativity could throw you off your game so carve out your own niche where you can work in peace and harmony.

Pisces (Feb.19-Mar. 20):

Don’t walk around with a chip on your shoulder. Being overly sensitive to other people’s comments could create unnecessar­y tension. Resist someone’s efforts to change something that doesn’t need to be changed.

if August 24 is your birthday:

You may be on your mark and ready to go during the next two to three weeks. Your enthusiasm and get up and go is at a high point so much can be accomplish­ed. It is possible that the answer to your prayers will arrive in September when your ability to attract good luck is enhanced and when people are more generous and willing to help. This is an excellent time to launch your most important plans and to make key decisions as you are more aware of long term consequenc­es. Your good judgment is amplified through mid-October so use this time wisely. In late December and early January you might need to buckle down and work a bit more intently than usual. Steer clear of new romantic entangleme­nts in February when you are blind to people’s faults. Wait until May, when you are at your most popular and charismati­c, to make major changes and romantic commitment­s.

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