Montreal Gazette

Premises, premises

Radius starts with an arresting propositio­n and its twists are emotionall­y devastatin­g


Like a Twilight Zone episode of old, Radius opens with an arresting premise and then withholds some vital informatio­n, keeping you guessing right through to its shocking conclusion.

Exhibit 1: Liam (Diego Klattenhof­f ) comes to after a car crash unable to remember anything about himself. He soon discovers something that’s presumably new; whenever he gets within about 20 metres of someone, they crumple and die.

Exhibit 2: Jane (Charlotte Sullivan) seeks him out a short while later at his home, where he’s trying to avoid getting near anyone else. She was in the crash with him, also has no memory of herself and is unaffected by his deadly new power.

Quebec co-writers and directors Caroline Labrèche and Steeve Léonard start with this simple foundation and build up an impressive science-fiction mystery-thriller, as the strangers (or are they?) try to figure out how they got this way and what can be done about it. They’re logical in how they approach

things, and the seasoned actors take it all seriously, which helps ground the fantastica­l premise in a sense of reality.

Meanwhile, Liam and Jane experience flashbacks to their car ride and what happened immediatel­y before it. The plot provides a morphine drip of clues, some of them immediatel­y integrated into the action, others that linger as we perch on the edge of our seats wanting (needing!) more.

The plot twists are few, but emotionall­y devastatin­g.

The co-filmmakers have worked in the twilight once before with 2009’s Sans dessein (Lost Cause), a comedy about a man visited by the ghost of his future self. I haven’t seen that one, but its makers are clearly tapping their inner Rod Serling this time out.

 ?? THOMAS FRICKE ?? Charlotte Sullivan and Diego Klattenhof­f star in the Quebec science-fiction thriller Radius as two people who experience shocking symptoms following a car crash that leaves both of them bereft of memories, and one of them mysterious­ly able to kill...
THOMAS FRICKE Charlotte Sullivan and Diego Klattenhof­f star in the Quebec science-fiction thriller Radius as two people who experience shocking symptoms following a car crash that leaves both of them bereft of memories, and one of them mysterious­ly able to kill...

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