Montreal Gazette

Mother says her kids aren’t afraid anymore


Mariana’s recent move to Montreal has been a relief for her and her five children.

In Guinea, their home country, her three daughters were at risk of being forced to undergo female genital mutilation. In 2016, a report by the United Nations found that 97 per cent of females age 15 to 49 from the African country had the procedure known as female circumcisi­on.

When her husband fell ill and moved to the United States for treatment, Mariana said she felt they were at an even greater risk.

“I was alone with the girls. I had no protection,” she said.

Five months ago, the 37-year-old, her daughters and two sons moved to Montreal. Despite being alone to take care of the kids, ages four to 16, she said things are a lot better now.

“Here, they’re safe,” she said. “They’re not scared anymore.”

But postponed appointmen­ts with local immigratio­n services means Mariana has yet to receive a work permit, so the family must rely on social assistance.

Mariana is one of many Montrealer­s who will receive a $125 cheque from the Montreal Gazette Christmas Fund this holiday season. She plans to use the money to buy winter apparel for her children.

“Right now, we can’t (buy any) because jackets are expensive and I don’t have the means,” Mariana said.

So the cheque from the Christmas Fund will help, she said. Despite the financial struggle and still not knowing whether her husband will join them in Canada, Mariana is sure that moving to Canada was the right decision for the family.

“It’s hard to be alone with the kids,” she said, “but it’s better than spending every day in fear.”


Donate online: christmasf­, mail or drop off donations to Montreal Gazette Christmas Fund, 1010 Ste-Catherine St. W., Suite 200, Montreal, Que., H3B 5L1.

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