Montreal Gazette

Fishel Goldig, 84, has endured the dark, basks in the light

Holocaust survivor Fishel Goldig has shared his story of survival — and his zest for life — with thousands of young Montrealer­s


More and more Canadians are reaching the age of 100. This week we talk to Montreal seniors who are aging gracefully. Today: Fishel Goldig, 84.

If it weren’t for trouble with his sciatica, Fishel Goldig would have hit the slopes this winter.

Goldig learned to ski when he was five years old and living in Ukraine. At the age of 84, there is still something unmistakab­ly boyish about Goldig. When he laughs — which he does a lot — his eyes twinkle. That laughter and that twinkle are signs of triumph and resilience. By virtue of their age, most seniors have been through a lot, but Goldig, a Holocaust survivor, was an eyewitness to one of the darkest periods in human history.

This winter, Goldig has been getting his daily exercise by walking his beagle Niki on the streets of Notre Dame de Grâce, where Goldig lives with his wife, Lorna Gerson. At 12, Niki is also in her senior years. And like Goldig, she is still full of energy.

Goldig credits Gerson for keeping him young — and alive.

“If it weren’t for her, I would have been dead a long time ago. She’s been so instrument­al in my life,” he said.

Gerson is 11 years younger than her husband. The couple, who were both married before, met in 1992. “The age factor was zilch,” Gerson said. “He has more energy than I have.”

In his research on healthy aging, Judes Poirier, a professor at McGill University ’s department of psychiatry and director of the Douglas Institute’s Aging Program, has found that keeping busy is connected to longevity. “Centenaria­ns — people who live to be 100 and older — are often people who worked very hard and for a very long time,” he said. “They do not bother with retirement.”

Now semi-retired, Goldig has had several careers. For 20 years, he bought and sold steel. He also worked occasional­ly as a cantor and still pitches in when his services are required during the Jewish holidays.

In 1983, he became an auctioneer. These days, he works with partners, auctioning industrial equipment.

With silver hair, silver moustache and goatee, Goldig cuts a dashing figure. He also loves to sing, breaking out into a spontaneou­s rendition of Agustin Lara’s 1932 hit Granada during our interview.

It’s no surprise, then, to learn that Goldig has held important roles in several Yiddish and English musical theatre production­s. Last fall, he performed in Queen of Chesed at Théâtre Outremont. “I’m waiting for news about my next play in May,” he said.

Goldig likes to joke around. Asked whether he restricts his consumptio­n of red meat, he answered: “I eat everything — if it doesn’t eat me.”

Goldig can laugh even in the face of tragedy. He told Gerson about his wartime experience­s on their second date. “Because that was the night she seduced me,” he explained.

“It’s true,” Gerson added.

Goldig was an only child. After the Nazis invaded the small town of Mielnice, where he and his parents lived, the family was sent to a ghetto. “I saw my friends dead on the street. They’d been shot. On a single day, I lost my grandparen­ts, two uncles, two aunts and three cousins.”

It’s a story Goldig has told many times. A volunteer at the Montreal Holocaust Museum, he has spoken to thousands of young people about what he endured during the Holocaust — and how he survived. “I’ll go anywhere if somebody wants to hear it,” he said.

When the ghetto was liquidated in 1942, Goldig and his mother hid in a shed, together with his aunt and cousin. Goldig and his mother crawled underneath two mattresses; his aunt and cousin hid underneath two wash basins. When a Nazi soldier entered the shed, he spotted Goldig ’s aunt and cousin, and shot them on the spot. Though the soldier lifted the mattresses, he did not find Goldig or his mother.

“I was lying on the diagonal, so

he didn’t see me. But I heard the rifle shots and their groans, and there was nothing we could do,” Goldig recalled.

Seventy-six years later, Goldig still has nightmares about that day. “But he used to have them more often,” said Gerson.

Goldig and his parents escaped to a nearby forest, and eventually found shelter with a Ukrainian potato farmer. The farmer hid Goldig, his parents and three other relatives in a cave he had built to store potatoes. Goldig and the others remained on the farm for two years until they were liberated by the Russians.

Perhaps Goldig ’s zest for life can be traced back to those dark days. “The will to live is so great, you’ll do almost anything just to survive,” he said. “When you are liberated and you start living a normal life, you remember the past. You live a normal life with the memory.”

Goldig has four children from his first marriage and seven grandchild­ren. He speaks to his children every day or two, often discussing sports and current events.

“I’ve been interested in politics all my life,” said Goldig. He reads the Montreal Gazette every day, as well as the Globe and Mail on Saturdays.

In 2015, Goldig was diagnosed with Hodgkins lymphoma. The diagnosis and treatment were difficult. “I thought it was all over. You get very depressed,” recalled Goldig. He says Gerson got him through the illness and treatment. “She told me, ‘Yes, you can do this.’”

Asked if he is afraid to die, Goldig said: “I don’t know. Let’s just say I guess I’m going to have to die, but I just don’t want to have to be very sick.”

In the meantime, there is musical theatre to think about, and ski slopes — and youngsters to inspire with his energy and courage.

 ?? PIERRE OBENDRAUF ?? Fishel Goldig’s memories are as vivid as the photograph­s hanging on the walls of his Notre Dame de Grâce home. The octogenari­an remains young at heart despite — or perhaps because of — being an eyewitness to one of the darkest periods of human history.
PIERRE OBENDRAUF Fishel Goldig’s memories are as vivid as the photograph­s hanging on the walls of his Notre Dame de Grâce home. The octogenari­an remains young at heart despite — or perhaps because of — being an eyewitness to one of the darkest periods of human history.

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