Montreal Gazette

Habs fans need a break from sour grapes

Constant harping on negative, spreading of conspiracy theories has gone on too long


It’s spring break. Or more accurately, March break — that time every winter when those who can afford it go south and the rest of us stay here while the kids recharge their batteries by driving their parents mad.

Spring break: Time to give yourself a break. Time to stop (please stop) enumeratin­g the alleged failures of Geoff Molson, Marc Bergevin, Trevor Timmins, Claude Julien, the equipment guys, the marketing staff, the guys who sell beer at the Bell Centre. Time to stop obsessing for MB, 1C, left D and CJ.

Take a break. Breathe. Give it a rest. Please — before this kindly old columnist decides to take a flying leap off the Jacques Cartier Bridge.

The last straw came this past weekend when I retweeted a link to Ryan Poehling ’s goal. You know, the one where Poehling comes striding in on a full-tilt breakaway and, with a defenceman bearing down on him, deftly flicks the puck between his skates and then reaches around to flick it into the top corner.

That one was a keeper. It was the kind of goal that makes you laugh out loud, slap your thigh, and then mutter something to the effect that you can’t wait until Poehling (the Canadiens first-round choice in 2017 and a 19-year-old forward for St. Cloud State in the NCAA) is doing that at the Bell Centre.

Unless you’re a Canadiens fan. Then a brilliant play by a prospect takes you to a very sour place, a place where the only thing you can think of to say is, “wait till the Habs defensive coaches get their hands on him.”

Seriously? We can’t just, like, watch the play and be happy that the kid appears to be a bigleague talent? Does everything have to be turned into a reason to attack Bergevin, or Julien, or someone?

If you’ve lost your ability to simply enjoy a play like the one Poehling turned in Friday night, maybe you should take up another sport: full-contact pinochle, say.

It’s been a long, hard season for everyone. For Carey Price, for Shea Weber, for Max Pacioretty especially. For the owner and the GM and the coaches. For obsessed fans and those who have made a cottage industry of attacking Bergevin.

The Canadiens right now are a pretty exciting young team. They’re playing well. Brendan Gallagher is having a terrific season, Alex Galchenyuk is coming on and a long list of youngsters have fit in well — including newbies Victor Mete, Noah Juulsen and Nikita Scherbak. Poehling is on his way. There is reason for optimism going forward, but if you say so in public, the sour mud crowd is going to camp in your driveway.

Frankly, following the game in this town is like plunging into an open sewer: It stinks. There is no better example than the treatment accorded to Max Pacioretty.

You remember Pacioretty? Nice young man? Articulate? Soft-spoken? Canadiens captain? Always has a smile for everyone, even when things are going sour? Pacioretty has played 626 games for the Canadiens while scoring 226 goals, racking up 222 assists — and killing penalties.

Look, Pacioretty’s game can drive you crazy. Everyone knows that. He’s so big and strong, you want him to use that body, drive to the net, put a defenceman on his keister. But that’s not his game.

And while Pacioretty’s game is fair game, the extraneous stuff is not. Like the conspiracy theory that has Pacioretty trading P.K. Subban. Or the rumour that Pacioretty had demanded a trade before the deadline. Or that Pacioretty refused to take his turn in a shootout.

I realize this a big ask, but sometimes you need to stop and think, people. Pacioretty is not the GM of the Canadiens. He does not make trades. Nor is he the type to demand a trade, for himself or anyone else.

As Pacioretty himself had to point out, he lives here yearround. He has put down roots. He has embraced the community. Why would he do all that and then demand a trade? Refusing to take a turn in the shootout?

It’s not inconceiva­ble that Pacioretty would talk things over with Claude Julien and say something like: “Listen coach, I don’t have the hot stick right now. I’m not feeling it. Give someone else a chance.”

That’s what a captain would do. That’s what a good guy would do. That’s what any player should have the freedom to do, without worrying that some bozo is going to put a different spin on it and try to make him look bad.

This is a tough town if you’re a hockey player. Fans are big on pizzazz, not so big on substance. If you’re soft-spoken and hardworkin­g (think Pacioretty, think Saku Koivu), it’s hard to win their respect.

There’s no excuse for the way we’ve treated Max Pacioretty. If you have a problem with his game, fine. Any player who takes home an NHL paycheque has to understand that criticism is part of the package.

But if you’re going to attack him on the basis of unfounded rumours — please.

It’s almost spring. Give it a rest.

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