Montreal Gazette

Attacks on professor called ‘assault on academic freedom’


- Brett BunDale in Halifax

Asmall-town Nova Scotia university has been thrust into the epicentre of a national debate about free speech on campus, amid new allegation­s a controvers­ial professor has made “racist and transphobi­c comments” in class.

Critics and supporters of associate professor Rick Mehta have come forward after Acadia University launched an investigat­ion following complaints from students, faculty and others about his polarizing views.

A group of professors dedicated to the defence of academic freedom have condemned the Acadia probe, while Mehta’s designated department head says some students at the Wolfville school say they have stopped attending his class because of his comments.

The outspoken psychology scholar has made comments about a range of contentiou­s issues including decoloniza­tion, immigratio­n, and gender politics.

While his defenders say his voice is an antidote to political correctnes­s run amok, his critics say he attacks marginaliz­ed people and perpetuate harmful stereotype­s. The situation has exposed the challenge facing universiti­es of balancing the open exchange of ideas with the responsibi­lity of keeping students safe and supported.

Mark Mercer, president of the Society for Academic Freedom and Scholarshi­p, said in a letter Friday that Mehta’s views may be unpopular but they do not constitute an attack on anyone.

“I have read many of Dr. Mehta’s postings and it is difficult to see how anything in them could be construed as discrimina­tory or harassing,” he said in the letter to Acadia’s vice-president academic, Heather Hemming. “If Dr. Mehta’s ideas are false or pernicious, they could be shown to be so through discussion and better ideas.”

Mercer, professor and chair of the philosophy department at Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, added in an email that the investigat­ion is a “frontal assault on academic freedom” and warned that investigat­ing a professor for the content of his opinions would cast a chill over campus debates.

Other professors have also spoken out against the investigat­ion, as well as changes to Mehta’s teaching allocation assigning him smaller courses.

A spokesman for Acadia declined to comment.

In a Feb. 26 letter, Mehta’s designated department head, Rob Raeside, detailed some of the complaints against him, indicating that the level of anxiety in the class is high and some students have stopped attending.

“The students have not expressed in writing the precise details of the racist and transphobi­c comments, but it is clear from their interactio­ns with me that they are extremely disturbed by your comments, some to the point of not going to class,” said Raeside. Mehta shared the letter on social media.

Raeside said students have accused Mehta of spending excessive class time on non-class related matters, using non-academic sources for lecture content, testing on content not dealt with in class or in assigned readings and making provocativ­e comments in class.

For example, one student said Mehta spent an entire class on human developmen­t speaking about feminism and showing slides denying of the existence of a gendered wage gap, Raeside said.

Meanwhile, a student claimed Mehta spends much of his lectures discussing “what he spins as 'free speech issues,’ ” rather than teaching the required material, Raeside noted in the letter, adding that students say the material is from “right-leaning fringe websites.”

“I fully understand that university teaching should expose students to a range of viewpoints, and especially in a discipline like psychology some of these perspectiv­es may be challengin­g to students,” Raeside said. “However, in a first-year class it is imperative that the approach be well-balanced and must be in line with published resources.”

He encouraged Mehta to “stay on topic,” noting that digression­s on non-psychology topics and his opinions must be relevant and not exceed 10 per cent of class time.

In an interview, Mehta took issue with being told how to organize his class, and insisted his comments encourage students to think critically and engage in robust debate.

“I’m open to criticism but the problem with the letter is it’s basically telling me what to do in the sense of micromanag­ing how I run my courses without taking into considerat­ion it’s my area of expertise.”

When asked whether he made racist or transphobi­c remarks, Mehta said “perception is very subjective.

“I take those issues very seriously, given my own background as-first generation Canadian and having grown up with racism, I’m not going to do that in the classroom,” he said. “Even if I didn’t have that life experience, I just know it’s morally wrong to do that in my position as a professor.”

Yet Mehta has ignited outrage for saying multicultu­ralism is a scam and the decoloniza­tion movement aims to create a victim narrative, spur endless apologies and bolster compensati­on to Indigenous Peoples.

On Twitter, he has retweeted a post that said it is “statistica­lly impossible for all Native children to have had a negative experience with residentia­l schools.”

Mehta has also said on Twitter that he stands with Michael Thurlow, leader of the National Socialist Canadian Labour Revival Party. The group posted what were described as racist posters on the University of New Brunswick campus last month.

In an interview and on Twitter, Mehta clarified that while he doesn’t necessaril­y agree with Thurlow’s point of view, he stands with his right to express his ideas.

“For those of you following my story, let me be clear: I loathe both racism and violence in all its forms. What I DO stand with is the right of ANYONE to free speech, regardless of how reprehensi­ble I may find it,” he tweeted.

University of Saskatchew­an professor Ken Coates said post-secondary campuses should be places of rigorous debate.

“I hope that any student that goes to any university is made to feel uncomforta­ble many times. Universiti­es are not places to go to be comfortabl­e,” said Coates, Canada Research Chair in Regional Innovation. “They’re places to go to be uncomforta­ble, to have your views challenged.”

 ?? RICK MEHTA / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Rick Mehta, an associate professor at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, has found himself at the centre of a debate over free speech on campus after students complained about his comments on decoloniza­tion and gender politics.
RICK MEHTA / THE CANADIAN PRESS Rick Mehta, an associate professor at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, has found himself at the centre of a debate over free speech on campus after students complained about his comments on decoloniza­tion and gender politics.

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