Montreal Gazette

There’s Irish in the lot of us

- BILL YOUNG Bill Young is a longtime Hudson resident.

With Hudson’s upcoming St. Patrick’s Day parade drawing ever closer, I am reminded of a recent New Yorker article by writer Calvin Trillin, entitled, “The Irish Constellat­ion.” “Until about five years ago,” he wrote, “I was under the impression that the constellat­ion Orion was the constellat­ion O’Ryan. I thought of it as the Irish constellat­ion, sort of in the way that actors refer to ‘Macbeth’ as ‘The Scottish Play.’ ” Orion. O’Ryan ... who knew? It was while still chuckling over Trillin’s clever piece that I suddenly realized just how little I knew about Ireland and my own Scots-Irish roots. My Irish forebears, on both my parents’ sides, emigrated from Ireland to Quebec in the mid-1800s, the Scots-Irish Armstrongs from County Tipperary and your basic Protestant Youngs from County Limerick. This was the time, I decided, to look up my Irish ancestors. Who knew, perhaps there was another larger than life “O’Ryan” awaiting me out there. And there was. Except for the fact he was a Scot, and real. The early Armstrongs were Scots, infamous border “reivers,” or freebooter­s, renowned for plundering and ravaging indiscrimi­nately all along the unguarded Anglo- Scottish border well into the 1500s. The chief of the Clan Armstrong was Johnny Armstrong, also called Johnnie of Gilnockie, named after the Gilnockie stone tower built for defensive purposes. Counted among the most treasured of Scottish heroes, he was reputed able to put 3,000 men in the saddle and do more damage than any other two families combined. His victims were the English: they said he never killed a fellow Scotsman. In 1530, the young James V, King of Scotland, 17 years old and impetuous, invited Johnny Armstrong and 36 or more of his men to a royal hunting party at Carlinrigg Chapel. They came unarmed. Too late they realized they had been drawn into an ambush orchestrat­ed by the King. Johnny Armstrong and all his men were taken prisoner, hanged from the trees alongside the chapel, and then buried in a mass grave. Today, a stone stands as a memorial. That was the beginning of the end. In the early 1600s came the banishment of Scots from the border lands, including the Armstrongs, as ordered by King James VI of Scotland — he was also the sitting King James I of England. The displaced were deported to Ireland, mostly to Ulster, where our branch of the Armstrong clan eventually settled, in the area called Fermanagh. There my direct Armstrong ancestors remained until the mid-1820s Robert and John Armstrong immigrated to the Lachute area of Quebec and immersed themselves in the challenges of dairy-farming. Several generation­s later my mother Florence was born there, on the farm of her father, George Armstrong. And it was here my brother and I spent most of our summers growing up. Sadly nothing today remains but a worn-down brick house and the shadow of what was once a barn. But fear not, the Clan Armstrong thrives. One only need look to the skies where in July 1969, in the shadow of the “O’Ryan Constellat­ion,” Neil Armstrong, a direct descendant of Johnnie Armstrong, became the first man to walk on the moon. Five years later, true to his border roots, the Scots-Irish astronaut returned for a visit to his ancestral home.

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