Montreal Gazette


Unions say teachers lack new materials for course that could become mandatory


A slew of troubling incidents have underscore­d our failure as a society to properly educate our kids about sex.

The case of a nine-year-old bully coercing two kindergart­en students to touch each other’s genitals on a school bus is heartbreak­ing, first and foremost for the two five-year-olds who were victimized at such a tender age, as well as for the older child whose cruel actions may be a cry for help.

The charges laid against three 15-year-old boys and a 13-yearold girl for the gang rape of a 13-year-old girl at a party and the circulatio­n of a video of the assault among fellow students is deeply disturbing.

Meanwhile, students at McGill and Concordia universiti­es are pushing back against what they see as their respective administra­tions’ insufficie­nt handling of allegation­s of sexual harassment, abuse and assault on their campuses — matters that have long been festering but are now being tackled with renewed urgency in the #MeToo moment.

From the post-secondary level to primary — even in daycares — educators are increasing­ly being called upon to respond to matters of a sexual nature, according to a report in Le Devoir.

All of these are symptoms of how our collective inability to overcome sexual taboos has let down our children in a world where they are constantly bombarded with sexualized images, messages and acts.

Sexual education in schools hasn’t been mandatory in Quebec since 2005, leaving lessons to the whim of individual teachers or schools and community groups like Head and Hands to fill the void. And even where sex ed currently exists, it is often botched: like a Terrebonne high school that handed out expired condoms.

While the latter may seem laughable, the consequenc­es in other cases are downright dire. A coalition of groups, including the YWCA and Maison d’Haïti, called on the Quebec government last week to address the problem of sexual violence in schools, from children harming other children at recess to officials dismissing aggressive sexual behaviour when reported.

Sex ed alone may not stamp out sexual assault and abuse, but it is an important tool in helping children and adolescent­s — future adults — protect themselves. Yet as the government seeks to reintroduc­e it in September — making five hours a year compulsory at the primary level and 15 hours in secondary — unions are sounding the alarm about the absence of proper training for teachers to prepare them for this challenge and the lack of any new teaching materials.

“It’s a lack of a curriculum, really,” said Mylène St Pierre, a health-services co-ordinator at Head and Hands, a community group that has been filling the sex-ed gap for the last 13 years. “Teachers are just left to their own devices.”

Those who raise their hands to teach these crucial lessons will have to seek out contempora­ry material from groups like Head and Hands. Or else they will have to rely on texts from an age before social media.

“I think that the teachers who want to take this on will be well-intentione­d,” St Pierre said in an interview. “But if it’s not adequate, it’s not going to be effective.”

Of course, there are already parents looking to have their children exempted once sex ed becomes mandatory. Education Minister Sébastien Proulx has said there will be a process to opt out, but only in a very narrow set of circumstan­ces.

But parents who are worried about their kids being corrupted by exposure to sex in the classroom are fooling themselves. As much as we would like to protect our children’s innocence, we’re doing them no favours if we condemn them to ignorance.

Sex is ubiquitous in advertisin­g and on television. Pornograph­y is more accessible than ever before and children are exposed to it at younger ages. If they don’t seek it out on their own, they might stumble upon it accidental­ly or have it shown to them by their peers.

Is it better to have kids learn about sex from the multibilli­ondollar porn industry, which some studies show may be heavily influencin­g the YouTube generation’s expectatio­ns about intimacy and pleasure? Or should we trust qualified teachers with quality materials?

As St Pierre put it: “Giving the appropriat­e curriculum and tools to teachers so they can do their job properly can take some of the burden off parents.” (Although, she emphasizes the importance of open lines of communicat­ion between parents and kids.)

The real challenge in this digital age is ensuring kids have access to accurate, credible, age-appropriat­e, frank and upto-date informatio­n on sexuality — informatio­n that counters myths, instils healthy attitudes, addresses contempora­ry issues and meets them at their level of existing awareness.

And we’re not just talking about being able to name the parts of the reproducti­ve tract or how to engage in safe sex. We’re also talking about more delicate matters like the notion of consent, differing sexual orientatio­ns, how to set boundaries and responsibl­e online conduct.

The things our tech-savvy, social media-connected kids already know might make many adults blush. But our discomfort should not deprive children of the survival tools they need in our modern society.

We owe it to our kids to be open and honest — to explain the good, the bad and the ugly of sex. We have to empower them with a confident body image, good communicat­ion skills and the ability to negotiate healthy relationsh­ips. We have to warn them about the dark side, like rape, exploitati­on and the legal and psychologi­cal consequenc­es of sharing sexually explicit images.

And if we don’t feel equipped to do this as parents, we should make sure the brave teachers willing to take on this enormous, sensitive and daunting responsibi­lity have the training and materials to do it right.

As much as sexuality is an intimate and personal matter, healthy sexual attitudes are also an important social concern.

 ?? DAVE SIDAWAY/FILES ?? The case of a bully coercing of kindergart­en students to touch each other’s genitals on a school bus highlights the need for sex-ed, writes Allison Hanes.
DAVE SIDAWAY/FILES The case of a bully coercing of kindergart­en students to touch each other’s genitals on a school bus highlights the need for sex-ed, writes Allison Hanes.
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