Montreal Gazette


Ondaatje’s English Patient gets top honour


LONDON • Canadian author Michael Ondaatje’s The English Patient was named the greatest-ever winner of the Man Booker Prize at an event Sunday celebratin­g five decades of the prestigiou­s literary award.

The tale of love and conflict during the Second World War was awarded the Golden Man Booker Prize for fiction after winning a public vote.

The English Patient won the Booker in 1992 and was made into a 1996 movie starring Ralph Fiennes and Juliette Binoche that won nine Academy Awards.

It beat four other novels in an online poll that drew 9,000 votes in all. Organizers didn’t give a breakdown of votes for the books, each of which represente­d one of five decades.

A panel of judges selected five books from among the 51 winners of the Booker, a prize that has boosted the careers of writers such as Ian McEwan, Arundhati Roy and Kazuo Ishiguro.

The 1970s finalist was In a Free State by Trinidad-born V.S. Naipaul, while Moon Tiger by British writer Penelope Lively was the 1980s contender. Hilary Mantel’s Tudor saga Wolf Hall and George Saunders’ U.S. Civil War symphony Lincoln in the Bardo were the finalists from the 2000s and 2010s.

The Toronto-based Ondaatje, a native of Sri Lanka, said he did not believe “for a second” that his book was the best. He paid tribute to the late The English Patient film director, Anthony Minghella, “who I suspect had something to do with the result of this vote.”

Novelist Kamila Shamsie, one of the judges, said Ondaatje’s book combined “extraordin­ary” language, a plot tinged with mystery and compelling characters, including a Canadian nurse, an Indian bomb-disposal expert, a thief-turned-spy and an aristocrat­ic Hungarian archeologi­st.

Shamsie said Ondaatje’s novel, published at a time when “borders seemed much more assured,” had a different resonance in the current climate, amid “anxieties about borders and anxiety about migrants and other people.”

“We’ve all read lots of books about the Second World War. We think of it, with good reason, as the good war,” she said.

“And I think it is really brave and remarkable the way he goes into that story and says war is trauma, and war is about separating people by nations when there are so many other reasons for them to be together,” she added.

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