Montreal Gazette

Public transit should be free , and then some


So some West Islanders went nuts when they caught wind of a supposed stink bomb dropped by the City of Montreal and the provincial( fiefdom) government of Quebec’ s plan to build a north-south park and a bus-only lane( instead of an urban boulevard) access through western Pierre fonds to the future Kirk land REM( Isn’ t that the name ofa rock ban d?) station alon g Highway 40( Isn’ t that a Bob Dylan son g?) The WIMCC (West Island of Montreal and two things that start with the letter C) pan n ed the idea ofa stretch of green park open on ly to buses, bikes an d something traffic-contributi­ng, self-indulgent West Islanders have forgotten about—walking. Imagine that, no other way to Highway 40 but green space, peace an d quiet ( because the buses should be electric) and no traffic. How horrid! Pierre fonds R ox boro Mayor Jim Be is said it all :“Are drivers going to have to park in nearby streets and walk ?” (Oh, the humanity !) The WIMCC said it has “always supported the idea of an additional north-south route to help alleviate traffic on its territory.” (Sidebar: The Toronto Region Board of Trade is calling for building extra lanes above or below Highway 401 near Toronto Pearson In tern ation al Airport to help alleviate gridlock. Real experts are saying that such dumb logic on ly en courages more cars. Ifyou don ’t believe it, have you been to Leaf-town lately ?) The answer is not more traffic lanes but enticing/ educating people to leave their cars behind an d take public tran sport. Before you write me a letter, there is an equally guilty flip side to the idiot coin of lazy commuters: Political leaders who won ’t go all the way by springing for ergonomic ally correct adders to buses like aircon dition in g, comfy seats, maybe some entertaini­ng screens, maybe music, more routes and you-name-it .( Personally, I would not be adverse to a cocktail bar at the back ofa big wide bus. Like a bar car on a train .) In this regard, I have to say that the WIMCC (formed to promote the developmen­t of the local business community) could stan d to be a bit more environmen­tally conscious, not to mention think outside of the proverbial box. But then again , they are on ly people like you an d me, right? (I doubt it.) Isn’ t Montreal Mayor Valérie Plan te (the same David who slew the Goliath Den is Coderre) the on e who likes to close off the road to Mon t Royal? Seems if she had her druthers she would close the whole city off to cars an d force everyone to take buses. But wait a min ute. Close your eyes an d en vision at least huge tract soft he island accessible only by band b’s (bikes and buses) an d by the old-fashion ed method of-left-foot-right-foot. Imagine sanctuary from gridlock in at least a few places preferred by the less self-serving population . But ofcourse, on ce more spin - ning my own old broken record: The majority would not put up with that because they unrealisti­cally want what they want with no inconvenie­nce (i.e ., drive their cars in no traffic .) What if spacious air-conditione­d buses were ultimately convenient ?( I can dream, can’ t I?) Actually, I see a far more futuristic scenario for the—uh— future: Elevated mono rails; some cosmo-places in the world in more advanced-thinking municipali­ties have pockets of such tran sport. We actually had such a place in Montreal over 50 years ago: You could go from place to place an d there were no cars, only elevated mono rails. It was a bit of heaven called Expo 67. Wasn’t that supposed to be a model for the future? What happen ed? Plan te’s idea of pushing us into buses( as opposed to being thrown under) is not so absurd, but she should sweeten the pot. At Expo 67, the mono rail was free after you paid for admission .( Shouldn’ t our taxes count for admission ?) Think of how many people would leave their cars behind if public transporta­tion was not only stress-free but also free? Costs too much, huh? I didn’ t say the right solution was not problemati­c. The real problem is politician s who can ’t act with divergent cerebratio­n because where there is a will there is a way. Imagine a whole city with no cars and just efficient public transport and green spaces. Some would have you thin k that is science fiction. They would have no vision.

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