Montreal Gazette

It should be OK to question promotion of diversity

Difference­s don’t bring people together, it’s shared civic values that unite us, Kevin Richard says.

- Kevin Richard is a writer who lives in the Eastern Townships.

It’s rather troubling to know that after merely reading the headline of this article, there are some who have already condemned me as a racist bigot and an intolerant xenophobe, regardless of what else I am about to say, and regardless of what I embody and live. At least, this is what I am led to believe by the overreacti­ons to Conservati­ve MP Maxime Bernier’s recent tweets.

Bernier dared question the sanctity of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s adoration and mystical use of the D -word, as though its mere utterance carries transcende­nt power.

In boringly predictabl­e fashion, and in a fine display of the cultish element Bernier was referring to, backlash was harsh and swift, and featured the usual list of labels that have lost much of their meaning as a result of overuse.

For those who actually want to take the time to discuss and think things through, however, the role of diversity in our national identity should not be offlimits for discussion. Diversity, on its own, is a rather vague term.

In relation to our national identity, it seems to be only partial in descriptio­n. We are a nation of people who can trace their ethnic and cultural origins to a great many places, but what is it about this fact that binds us together under a banner of national unity?

The idea that difference­s among people naturally bring them together is simply untenable; there has to be more to it than that. The world, after all, is a highly diverse place, more so than Canada, and yet it stands terribly divided.

Perhaps this is what Bernier was trying to point out, at least in part. “Shouldn’t we emphasize our cultural traditions,” he tweeted, “what we have built and have in common, what makes us different from other cultures and societies?”

Bernier’s questions are reasonable, and the things of substance that truly unite Canadians of diverse background­s can indeed be traced back in our history, specifical­ly to the actions of a diverse group of men. Louis-Joseph Papineau and William Lyon Mackenzie led rebellions in the Canadas in an effort to secure responsibl­e government. They set things in motion so that Louis-Hippolyte LaFontaine and Robert Baldwin could bring it to fruition, which then laid the foundation for John A. Macdonald, George Brown, and George-Étienne Cartier to work toward Confederat­ion.

In spite of their difference­s, and in spite of their many flaws, they united to accomplish great things. They were united not by their diversity, but by their shared beliefs in things like self-government, the dignity of the individual, the endowment of liberty and responsibi­lity, the rule of law, equality under the law and in democratic parliament­ary institutio­ns and all of their ancient traditions.

Yes, a fundamenta­l feature of the Canadian identity is its diversity, but more specifical­ly, and certainly more importantl­y, is its ability to continuall­y transcend difference­s in order to uphold and protect those greater civic values that bind us together, that have been passed down to us over the centuries, and the promises of which have been extended to all peoples under our flag, regardless of how deep their roots may run in this soil.

No matter how much Trudeau fawns over Canadian diversity, on its own it is simply insufficie­nt as a unifying force, and hence it is not off-limits for discussion.

We would do well to openly and respectful­ly discuss these ideas, and we would do well to celebrate and conserve the successful foundation­al elements of our nation and its institutio­ns; they are what truly bind us together; they are what give us direction and make us unique in the world.

To neglect them is to focus on the many parts while forgetting about the glue that binds them together; and if the glue dries up, it ceases to stick.

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